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Design & Manufacturing
Decorex Cape Town 2018

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SA left disappointed as US denies steel tariff exemption
South Africa has expressed disappointment at not being granted exemption from the US Section 232 steel and aluminium tariff duties... read
Food prices steady, output in cereals expected to decline
The FAO Food Price Index remained broadly steady in April, averaging 173.5 points for the month, a tiny notch up from March and 2.7 percent higher than in the same month of 2017. read
Food & bev. services
Meet the maker: Hope on Hopkins

Samantha Snedorf

What sets Hope on Hopkins apart from many other distilleries is that they create their very own spirits in-house... read
NuMe launches low carb, gluten-free baking range
NuMe has launched a new and premium range of "Not So Naughty" gluten-free baking products... read
Fast food and quick service restaurant (QSRs) sector largest in franchise industry
Research conducted by the Franchise Association of South Africa in 2017 shows that the fast food and quick service restaurant (QSRs) sector is the largest sector in the franchise industry... read
A motiongraphic worth a thousand words

Issued By Mpact Plastics

Mpact Versapak has launched a motiongraphic corporate profile that outlines its business offering, operating ethos and accreditations, in a simplistic manner... read
Better governance can enhance an inclusive and just food system in South Africa

Mologadi Makwela

By understanding and working with different levels and spheres of government on, for example, land use, informal retailers and other food security issues, De Visser hopes to promote a more inclusive and just food system in South Africa... read
Reports show 2017 challenging year for flavoured alcoholic beverages, drinking yoghurt and mageu
Recent BMi Research reports confirmed that the flavoured alcoholic beverage category declined in volume during 2017, the mageu category volumes suffered a loss in 2017 and the drinking yoghurt category experienced both volume and value declining compared to 2016... read
Big Voices for Little Garden hopes to find SA's best school choir
World's biggest wearable tech adopters
From personal use to enterprise use, wearable tech is becoming increasingly popular across the globe... read
Reducing risk through the internet of things

Warren Green

The internet of things (IoT) is a digital revolution that not only has the potential to impact how we live but also how we work... read
#AfricaMonth: Feed our startup gazelles and unicorns with funding

leigh andrews

Last week's AfricArena media event highlighted the continent's 'funding starvation syndrome', the African startup pyramid, and why we need to boost both the African startup gazelles and unicorns alike... read
Donatella Versace
"Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas."

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This app delivers leftover food to the hungry, instead of to the trash
#eNCAheadlines - Twitter's caught a bug, users are being advised to change their passwords.
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway bought 75 million more Apple shares in first quarter: CNBC
Why Swiss watchmakers are targeting teens
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Finance in Small Businesses: Are You Charging the Right Price?
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 7 May 2018, R5,980

One-Day Effective Storytelling
DesignThinkers Academy - 16 May 2018, Johannesburg

Advanced dressmaking short course
Vega School - 9 Jun 2018 to 15 Sep 2018, Johannesburg | 23 Jun 2018 to 8 Sep 2018, Durban | 6 Oct 2018 to 16 Feb 2019, Johannesburg

One-Day Course Customer Journey Mapping
DesignThinkers Academy - 15 Jun 2018, Cape Town

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