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Graeme Pitt
Angola the hot potato

Angola the hot potato
[Graeme Pitt] More often than not when I am talking to a client about Angola their eyes widen and they give you the 'Are you mad?' look...

Posted 8 years ago | Like (1)
Issa Sikiti da Silva
Angola tense as journalists, protesting youth targeted by government

Issa Sikiti da Silva[Issa Sikiti da Silva] Barely three weeks after an Angolan judge thought to be a member of the ruling MPLA (People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola - Labour Party) handed down a two year-suspended sentence to a journalist and fined him US$105 000 (about R840 000), another Angolan journalist is being threatened with harm and possibly death by armed gunmen believed to be working for the government.

Posted 12 years ago | Like
Issa Sikiti da Silva
Indaba 2011: Angola recovers from war, longs for tourism growth

Indaba 2011: Angola recovers from war, longs for tourism growth
[Issa Sikiti da Silva] Angolan tourism officers and tour operators working at their country's two stands at the Tourism Indaba 2011 in Durban, South Africa, welcomed warmly everyone who was looking for information about tourism in Angola. Their spirit of optimism is a clear indication that the country is longing for stability and development after a devastating 27 years of civil war.

Posted 13 years ago | Like
Issa Sikiti da Silva
SA investors want piece of Angolan pie

SA investors want piece of Angolan pie
[Issa Sikiti da Silva] Angola is Africa's fastest-growing economy, with more than 10% growth over the past eight years slowing down to 6.2% in 2009 due to the global economic recession. Twenty-seven years of armed conflict had created a country of multiple challenges, but some SA companies currently operating there believe that the investment rewards far outweigh the difficulties.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Comfortable, hygienic shopping in Angola

Comfortable, hygienic shopping in Angola
[Pedro de Gouveia] NossoSuper is a national chain of supermarkets which was established by the Angolan government in 2005. The government created PRESILD - The Programme fore the Restructuring of Logistics and Distribution of Essential Products to the Population.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
Angola dances to the Blue tune

Angola dances to the Blue tune
[Pedro de Gouveia] In Africa, there are few countries in which the ubiquitous red and white colours of Coca-Cola haven't been plastered across billboards, buildings and banners to epitomise "Cocacolonisation" by the world's biggest soft drink brand.

Posted 15 years ago | Like
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