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Pick n Pay's plans: 15,000 new jobs and 100% recyclable shopping bags
Pick n Pay has its sights set on creating 15,000 new jobs over the next three

Banking & Finance
Contactless payments to account for 15% of total POS transactions by 2020
Contactless payments is expected to reach $2 trillion by 2020, representing 1 in 3 in-store transactions globally. The trend - driven by payment cards and mobile wallets.... read
Kenyan e-commerce startup Sokowatch raises $2m seed round

Tom Jackson

Kenyan B2B e-commerce startup Sokowatch has closed a $2 million seed round to further expand its customer base across East Africa while also piloting additional value-added services for shops... read
Inaugural Willowton Group Infochef 2018 names Kayla Kuhlman as winner
The first-ever Willowton Group Infochef 2018 has named Kayla Kulman as its winner after she created innovative and exciting canapés at this year's event... read
ITC unveils market price portal for agricultural products
The International Trade Centre has announced the launch of the Market Price Information portal, an online database that will provide access to live updates and prices for more than 100 agricultural products... read
New design packaging boosts sales and merchandising space

Issued By Mpact Plastics

The Ruwag brand has recently added value to the DIY user's experience by changing their packaging medium from flexible pouches to reusable rigid containers... read
Kase iPhone cover - Resilience at its best

Issued By Kase Group

Only a resilient mobile phone case can protect your pricey smartphone. How about getting the world's thinnest and sturdiest case for your mobile?... read
Alexa Chung
"I think you achieve a lot more through love than negativity."

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For online retailers, just 1-to-3 percent of clients can make up anywhere from 20-to-40 percent of revenue.
Burberry burned $32 million worth of products to protect its brand
Pizza Hut tried to ride a popular hashtag wave, but maybe check why it was trending next time?
Understanding influencer marketing and why it is so effective: #SocialMediaMarketing...
RT @AdvancingRetail: Amazon Touts Roaring Start for Prime at Whole Foods Q2 profits soar; sales climb by 39% @_JonS...
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New events to diarise
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) - 18 Aug 2018, Cape Town
This practically-orientated short course equips participants with the understanding of the fundamentals of Good Manufacturing Practice. Emphasises the importance of the relationship between quality assurance and control. Read more >>

Small business sales - how to close the deal
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 7 Aug 2018 to 9 Aug 2018, Pretoria | 9 Oct 2018 to 11 Oct 2018, Pretoria

100% Design South Africa
8 Aug 2018 to 12 Aug 2018, Johannesburg

One-Day Course Customer Journey Mapping
DesignThinkers Academy - 20 Sep 2018, Johannesburg

Sales Summit
CADEK Media - 22 Nov 2018, Umhlanga

Customer Experience Management Africa Summit
1 Aug 2018 to 2 Aug 2018, Cape Town

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