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Manufacturing Indaba
The role of incentives in manufacturing

Issued By Manufacturing Indaba

The Manufacturing Indaba 2018 will be leading pertinent discussions regarding the various government grants, tax incentives and financing opportunities available to manufacturing-specific enterprises... read

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Exhibitions & Events
Sneaker Exchange (SXC) returns to Cape Town
The 2018 Sneaker Exchange (SXC) will be held at the Cape Town Cruise Terminal, V&A Waterfront in Cape Town on Saturday, 28 April 2018 from 11am to 7pm. read
Global bread and bakery consumption continues to experience modest growth
The global bread and bakery product market displayed modest, but sustainable growth throughout the period under review, increasing from 122,000 tonnes in 2007 to 129,000 tonnes in 2016... read
Green Sustainability
Plastic packaging is often pollution for profit

Anthony J Ryan

As a polymer scientist, it feels like my life's work is dismissed as immoral by even my hero Sir David Attenborough, simply because I deal with plastics... read
Retail Marketing
Goodbye Malaria's retail roll-out

Issued By Scan Retail

This is the story of how a simple retail product can be used creatively and effectively in a life-saving project... read
This 'Kitten Kollege' YouTube series is the cutest thing you'll watch today

Andy Walker

Okay, so I'm a bit of a mad cat lady. If you ever wanted me to pay attention to something, bury that information in a cat video and send it to me... read
The sixth annual RMDP culminates in over 1,700 upskilled retail managers

Issued By Enterprises University of Pretoria

The sixth annual run of the Retail Management Development Programme (RMDP) - presented in partnership with Enterprises University of Pretoria (Enterprises UP) and the Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA) has come to a roaring success... read
Alfred Whitney Griswold
"The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas."

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Rana plaza, five years on: safety of workers hangs in balance in Bangladesh - Support for the @banglaccord is criti...
12 Entrepreneurs Graduate from Gauteng's Innovation Hub's Incubation Programmes.
#Kenya Coffee Farmers Going Nuts Yields Record Macadamia Output
???? Former House of Fraser chief joins Australia's Myer.
RT @fashiontech101: The Beauty of Tomorrow: Revolutionary Skincare Products and Technology #Wearables #FashionTech...
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Jobs offered
New events to diarise
Decorex Cape Town 2018
Decorex SA - 27 Apr 2018 to 1 May 2018, Cape Town

Advanced dressmaking short course
Vega School - 9 Jun 2018 to 15 Sep 2018, Johannesburg | 23 Jun 2018 to 8 Sep 2018, Durban | 6 Oct 2018 to 16 Feb 2019, Johannesburg

One-Day Course Customer Journey Mapping
DesignThinkers Academy - 15 Jun 2018, Cape Town

Advanced interior decorating short course
Vega School - 19 Jul 2018 to 15 Nov 2018, Pretoria | 4 Aug 2018 to 1 Dec 2018, Durban | 4 Aug 2018 to 8 Dec 2018, Johannesburg | 26 Sep 2018 to 10 Apr 2019, Johannesburg

Independent Trade Forum 2018 - 25 Apr 2018, Johannesburg
Themed 'A Channel in Demand', the Independent Trade Forum provides a platform for suppliers to engage with independent retailers, wholesalers, and industry experts to understand the trends shaping this channel. Read more >>

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