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Tribunal finds the club fee charged by Edcon to be unlawful
Tribunal finds the club fee charged by Edcon to be unlawful
The National Consumer Tribunal handed down judgment against Edcon on Tuesday... read
Banking & Finance
Will bots dominate customer service?
Will bots dominate customer service?
While bots are hard at work behind the scenes, and becoming more visible in some parts of the front-office too, they're unlikely to oust human beings... read
How ‘community projects' can help with unemployment
How ‘community projects' can help with unemployment

Prof Elain Vlok

South Africa's employment rate is currently sitting at an average of just over 25%, peaking at over 27% at the end of 2016. While that figure decreased at the start of 2017, the fact remains that a quarter of South Africa's citizens remain jobless.... read
The search begins for SA's best boerie
The search begins for SA's best boerie
The search is on for the best maker of boerewors in South Africa, as the 25th annual Championship Boerewors competition officially opens... read
#FreshOnTheShelf: Checkers adds to range of Ready-To-Cook meals
#FreshOnTheShelf: Checkers adds to range of Ready-To-Cook meals
Checkers has added Osso Bucco and Tomato & Green Bean Bredie to its Ready-To-Cook range of convenience meals, in time for the colder winter months... read
FairPlay anti-dumping movement to address IGD
FairPlay anti-dumping movement to address IGD
This weekend, 5-6 May 2017, the FairPlay anti-dumping movement will address a select gathering of African and global business leaders in Durban... read
Twinsaver accelerates growth strategy with Sylko acquisition
Twinsaver accelerates growth strategy with Sylko acquisition
South African manufacturer of branded tissue products, The Twinsaver Group (Twinsaver), has announced the acquisition of Sylko... read
Will additive manufacturing inspire the next industrial revolution?
Will additive manufacturing inspire the next industrial revolution?

Nicholas Kitonyi

Some suggest that by taking the industrial revolution of 1760-1840 as the first one, we are currently in the fourth industrial revolution... read
Offer more value on-pack
Offer more value on-pack

Issued by Pyrotec

One of the best ways to communicate your value offering is on your product packaging, so that every time a consumer comes across your product they will be reminded of the value that your company and brand offers them... read
Retail Services
Egyptian online grocery startup GoodsMart raises $750k
Egyptian online grocery startup GoodsMart raises $750k

Tom Jackson

Egyptian online grocery service GoodsMart has raised $750,000 in funding from Algebra Ventures, which will go towards growing its operational capacity... read
Need for native speakers to create multilingual chatbots
Need for native speakers to create multilingual chatbots
As chatbots, cognitive technologies, and natural language understanding (NLU) take centre stage, having a workforce that can write these in the applicable language is essential... read
Gamification makes work more human
Gamification makes work more human

Wynand Smit

Millennials catch a lot of flak for expecting the world to be their proverbial oyster. Nowhere is this truer than in the workplace. But what if the problem isn't millennials? read
Jobs offered
New events to diarise
Customer Journey Design Course - Johannesburg - 25 May 2017 to 26 May 2017, Paulshof, Johannesburg
This course will be a two-day intensive customer journey design bootcamp. You will spend two days immersed in interactive experiential engagement around how to design remarkable experiences for customers. Read more >>

Effective Purchasing and Supplier Management Techniques
Alusani Skills & Training Network® - 22 May 2017 to 24 May 2017, Johannesburg

SAPICS Conference and Exhibition
4 Jun 2017 to 7 Jun 2017, Cape Town

Industry and competitive analysis
PRISA - 14 Jul 2017, Randburg

Customer relations
Provox Centre for Public Relations & Communication - 24 Aug 2017 to 25 Aug 2017, Johannesburg

Warren Buffett
"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."

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How @Uber, @adidas, and @TeslaMotors use strategic relationships to get ahead https://t.co/gw452y1gcE https://t.co/WX0Igsrc0H
Revealed: Where and on what SA super rich spend their money | @Fin24 https://t.co/d5fkhjL2D0 https://t.co/cQ4GJnIgkE
RT @GenioRoasters: #GenioRoasters at #HOSTEX17 | Learn about the coffee industry and how YOU can expand or start your own roasting business...
Mobile Money as a form of digital disruption is paving the way for future financial innovations. #WEFAfrica17... https://t.co/QZFtEIph2t
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