1 Apr 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Today's top stories
Designing the 'store of the future' - Q&A with Nic Criticos
[Jessica Taylor] Woolworths is about to undergo a paradigm shift. "We are working on the 'store of the future', essentially," explains Nic Criticos, head of store design at Woolworths... read

[Breaking news] 'Yuppiechef now offering chopper delivery', really?
Yuppiechef today announced its new, er, chopper delivery option... read
Variety and convenience are vital to shoppers, report finds
With the growth of shopping centres across South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria, consumers rank variety and convenience as the most important attractions when thinking about where to shop... read
Nielsen report reveals Cote d'Ivoire is top prospect for investors in Africa

Issued by Nielsen

The launch of Nielsen's second Africa Prospects Indicators report has given existing and potential investors an unprecedented and even deeper comparative view of the country opportunities across the continent... read
Retail Marketing
Love at first sip for Lira and Johnnie

Leonie Wagner

Johnnie Walker whisky has ditched its regular hunks in suits for the sultry songstress Lira... read
India sets rules for foreign investment in e-commerce sites
NEW DELHI - India has set rules for foreign investment in online marketplaces, allowing up to 100 percent overseas ownership and providing much-needed clarity as billions of dollars pour into the country's fast-growing e-commerce sector... read
More International
#CommerceMonth: Playing digital catch-up

Leigh Andrews

As we enter a new era of digital business, CEOs need to leapfrog themselves before they can leapfrog their organisations into the 21st century. Here's how you can do so through hard work, self-reflection, untraining, retraining and reprogramming... read
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New events to diarise
Short course in supervisory mangement skills
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 6 Apr 2016 to 8 Apr 2016, Pretoria

Selling skills
BDCE Pty Ltd - 12 Apr 2016, Pretoria | 25 Apr 2016, Durban | 25 Apr 2016, Bloemfontein

Geomarketing Conference 2016
Trade Conferences International - 13 Apr 2016 to 14 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Client service/customer care
BDCE Pty Ltd - 14 Apr 2016, Pretoria | 17 May 2016, Durban | 17 May 2016, Bloemfontein

PFMA supply chain management bid adjudication comm
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 18 Apr 2016 to 20 Apr 2016, Pretoria

Brandlove customer experience foundation course
Brandlove - 26 May 2016 to 27 May 2016, Cape Town | 21 Jul 2016 to 22 Jul 2016, Johannesburg

Nanoseconds Crisis Management
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 2 Jun 2016 to 3 Jun 2016, Johannesburg

Brandlove customer journey design course
Brandlove - 16 Jun 2016 to 17 Jun 2016, Cape Town | 7 Jul 2016 to 8 Jul 2016, Johannesburg

China Homelife Fair
31 Aug 2016 to 2 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Robert H. Schuller
"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines."

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RT @Smartsheet: Great read for those in the #Retail biz: RT @RetailProphet Want To Survive Amazon? Stop Thinking Like A Retailer - Fri Apr 01
Amazon will no longer sell USB cords that fry your laptop https://t.co/u8Ta2nPtsP https://t.co/OM7f8jhLhF - Fri Apr 01
Shop Direct to roll out contextual sizing technology. https://t.co/ka2mLCKTQM - Fri Apr 01
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