12 Jan 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Today's top stories
Foschini Group wears the season well
[Charlotte Mathews] Fashion retailer The Foschini Group's shares surged 1.34% to R113.08 after it said its Christmas trading beat expectations... read

SA has two months to implement latest Agoa deal

Simon Barber

WASHINGTON - SA has two months to show it is implementing week's 11th hour agreement to open its market to US poultry and other meats or it will again face loss of trade preferences under the African Growth and Opportunity Act... read
Padi is Nigeria's new hyper-local delivery service

Jacques Coetzee

Nigerian internet company Iconway has launched Padi, described as a hyper-local delivery service. It allows people to order products from neighbourhood stores and have them delivered to their doorstep within just 90 minutes... read
Foschini sales up 27% in December
China chemical giant to acquire Germany's KraussMaffei
SHANGHAI - China's biggest state-owned chemical firm on Monday announced it will buy Germany's KraussMaffei Group, which makes machinery for producing plastics and rubber, for 925 million euros ($1.0 billion)... read
More International
CNN's Marketplace Africa to feature KFC's African expansion
During January, CNN's Marketplace Africa is airing a series of episodes featuring four of the biggest global brands in Africa... read
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New events to diarise
Sales and negotiation
Profit Re-Engineering - 19 Jan 2016 to 20 Jan 2016, Johannesburg

Effective customer care
Front Foot Strategic Consulting - 21 Jan 2016, Randburg | 22 Jan 2016, Boksburg | 16 Feb 2016, Randburg

South Africa Forex Expo
Savannah Services - 5 Feb 2016 to 6 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Contract management
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 10 Feb 2016 to 12 Feb 2016, Pretoria

Africa Energy Indaba 2016
Siyenza - 16 Feb 2016 to 17 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Hands-on supply chain management
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 29 Feb 2016 to 4 Mar 2016, Pretoria

Loyalty and Rewards Conference 2016
Trade Conferences International - 16 Mar 2016 to 17 Mar 2016, Johannesburg

Retail Fraud - Cape Town
Retail Knowledge - 17 Mar 2016, Cape Town

Smart Procurement World 2016 Conference and Expo
Smart Procurement World - 8 Jun 2016 to 9 Jun 2016, Durban

African Stomach Trade Industry Conference 2016
Ntsiki Business and IT International (Paty) Ltd. - 5 Aug 2016, Cape Town

Robert Kiyosaki
"Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."

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Sporting goods the big winner as Christmas spoils get plundered by retail sector's https://t.co/dvcFhqaOMk - Tue Jan 12
RT @ThebeIkalafeng: Joining @mzukisi.qobo and @dionchang to discuss Key Trends & Brands For 2016 with @leratombele on BBC https://t.co/draC... - Tue Jan 12
BREAKING: Obama announces SA suspension from Agoa on March 15 https://t.co/Gvb7zE6zN7 - Tue Jan 12
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