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Marketing & Media South Africa

BizToday's top stories
New Generation Awards winners for 2016
New Generation Awards winners for 2016
Late last week, the fourth annual New Generation Social & Digital Media Awards were held at The Focus Rooms, Sunninghill in Sandton, where 100 awards were handed out... read
2016 AMASA Awards finalists announced
2016 AMASA Awards finalists announced

The 2016 AMASA Awards finalists have been announced. There are 61 entries that stand a chance to win a Gold Award or the coveted Roger Garlick Grand Prix at the Awards ceremony on 25 October... Read

#TEDxCT: Are you listening?
#TEDxCT: Are you listening?

Beverley Klein

Just like the adrenalin and anticipation you feel before going on a rollercoaster, so were the TEDxCapeTown speakers waiting to present their talks to an excited audience on 15 October at Ratanga Junction... Read

#BeyondRetail 2016: Lessons from SA's oldest e-commerce company
#BeyondRetail 2016: Lessons from SA's oldest e-commerce company

Leigh Andrews

Netflorist MD Ryan Bacher entertained #BeyondRetail2016 attendees with two of the business hacks that played a role in how they entered the e-commerce realm back in 1999 and how they shifted from being 'internet guys' to real-world retailers... Read

Sustainability month
Why CSI is the new currency consciously growing the bottom line

Glenda Mansfield

When it comes to growing your business, people are everything, be they staff, customers, or the community surrounding your brand... read
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Betway bets on 34° in Kenya
Betway bets on 34° in Kenya

Issued by 34°

In a sports betting market that is saturated with betting brands and dominated by SportPesa, Betway needed to differentiate itself as a brand that the Kenyan market could resonate with... read
Ads that travel well begin with an insight
Ads that travel well begin with an insight

Daren Poole, Issued by Millward Brown

The opportunity to save costs by producing one ad that can be used in many countries is compelling. But there is the risk that making an ad work across multiple countries may not be the best way to maximise ROI... read
Screengrabs from the ad.
[Orchids & Onions] Casanova feels bite in sizzling Wimpy advert

Brendan Seery

When it comes to dealing with the opposite sex, men are often so self-absorbed they lose what little grasp they have on reality... read
Revlon welcomes Ciara
Digital's future lies in the fingertips of its customers
Digital's future lies in the fingertips of its customers

Issued by IAB South Africa

The 2016 IAB MIXX brought together marketers, advertising executives, publishers, and ad technologists to discuss digital advertising's new world order... read
Great content is not all about storytelling
Great content is not all about storytelling

Kate Kenyon

There's been a lot of talk about 'storytelling' in the past couple of years. Suddenly, everyone's a storyteller. It's become the buzzword du jour. Great storytelling is the currency of attention in the digital age. It is a cornerstone of a great customer experience: if you want my attention as a customer, you'd better provide me with content worth my time, all the time... read
The digital divide in South Africa
The digital divide in South Africa

Nicole Samakosky

In comparison to first-world countries, customer service in South Africa is one giant pothole. Tasks that could, and should, be fast and easy are about as pleasant as root canal treatment... read
Events & Conferencing
espAfrika announces Top 5 bands in espYoungLegends 2017
espAfrika announces Top 5 bands in espYoungLegends 2017

Issued by espAfrika

Following furious voting from thousands of fans across the country this past weekend, the final five bands competing for a spot at the 18th Cape Town International Jazz Festival (CTIJF), have been announced... read
Defining women in media
Defining women in media

Danette Breitenbach

The benefit of equality in gender is immense. According to McKinsey, if women play the same role as men by 2025 they will add US$28tn to the African economy... read
Mwilu and Idi share 'CNN MultiChoice African Journalist of the Year' Award
Mwilu and Idi share 'CNN MultiChoice African Journalist of the Year' Award
Journalists Asha Ahmed Mwilu and Rashid Idi have shared the overall 'CNN MultiChoice African Journalist of the Year' Award for their combined work Terror Crossing, which was chosen from a record number of 1,637 entries spanning 38 countries across the African continent. read
Managing news media conversations in today's online environment
Managing news media conversations in today's online environment
The 2016 Global Online Commenting Report confirmed widespread dissatisfaction with the abusive tone and poor quality of many online conversations... read
PR & Communications
Riverbed a finalist for Financial Mail Adfocus Small Advertising Agency of 2016
Riverbed a finalist for Financial Mail Adfocus Small Advertising Agency of 2016

Issued by Riverbed

Integrated creative agency Riverbed has been nominated as a finalist in the Small Agency of the Year category for the 2016 Adfocus Awards... read
IABC conference discusses communicator readiness for 2020
IABC conference discusses communicator readiness for 2020
Local and global research shows that the traditional core skills-set that defined corporate communication is changing drastically... read
Pixel-Ink going live with the Garth Taylor Band 20 October at Emperor's Palace
Pixel-Ink going live with the Garth Taylor Band 20 October at Emperor's Palace

Issued by Pixel-Ink

South African music legend and pioneer Garth Taylor will be performing an exclusive debut with his band at the Barnyard Theatre, Emperor's Palace, on Thursday, 20 October. Pixel Ink will be there to capture it all for posterity... read
Research shows boom in mobile banking
Research shows boom in mobile banking
Globally, over 2bn mobile users will have used their devices for banking purposes by the end of 2021, compared to 1,2bn this year... read
Episode 38: Making a Mentor with Lisa Cohn
Episode 38: Making a Mentor with Lisa Cohn
In this very special episode of the Brave Ideas Podcast, we discuss the topic of mentorship in the workplace. - View/Rate
Jobs offered
Lecturer In 3D Design - Pretoria
Open Window InstituteOpen Window Institute seeks to appoint a lecturer in 3D design in the school of interaction arts. Read more >>

Lecturer In Interactive Development - Pretoria
Open Window InstituteOpen Window Institute (OWI) seeks to appoint a lecturer in interactive development in the school of interaction arts. Read more >>

Lecturer/Subject Manager In 3D Design - Pretoria
Open Window InstituteOpen Window Institute seeks to appoint a lecturer/subject manager in 3D design (one post) in the school of interaction arts. Read more >>

Digital Designer - Cape Town
We are a dynamic digital marketing agency that specialises in brand design, web design, social media marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, SEO and AdWords management. Read more >>

New events to diarise
Short Course in Business Process Management
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 24 Oct 2016 to 29 Oct 2016, Pretoria

GIBS Digital Disruption and Innovation
GIBS - 25 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Short course in customer experience practice
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Introduction to marketing
Grovation i*know - 8 Nov 2016, Cape Town

Short course in business writing
www.enterprises.up.ac.za - 21 Nov 2016 to 23 Nov 2016, Pretoria

Dalai Lama
"In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision."

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Episode 38: Making a Mentor with Lisa Cohn
New offices for 3D Cape

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5 Benefits of #Twitter's 140 Character Update for Your Brand or Business https://t.co/69rABHI73Y #smm
Digital collaboration and open innovation: SA vs. the rest of the world [Sponsored] https://t.co/NskaV0O2g8
So, how exactly does one create unique #content? https://t.co/IqFABBZ9B6
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