Carol Ofori returns to East Coast Radio

Seasoned radio host Carol Ofori has returned to East Coast Radio to host the station's coveted 9am - 1pm slot. We catch up with her to find out about her return to East Coast Radio and what she has planned for this new adventure.
Carol Ofori
Carol Ofori

Ofori's return to East Coast Radio forms part of the station’s line-up refresh. Embarking on this new chapter means a massive change for the Ofori family who will be making KwaZulu-Natal their home.

“Moving isn’t an easy feat, but we are so excited to call the East Coast out new home,” she explains. “I will personally be looking forward to embarking on a healthier lifestyle with many walks on the famous promenade and indulging in the yummy Durban salads. My husband, Greg, will certainly be enjoying warmer winters, beach lounging, less time in morning traffic, fun beach days with the family and everything else coastal living has to offer.”

I catch up with Carol to find out about her return to East Coast Radio, what she has planned for this new adventure and what it's been like moving to Durban.

Congrats on making your début on East Coast Radio's coveted slot! What have the first few days been like?

It was the best fun ever! I was so nervous and excited to be returning to my East Coast Radio family at the same time. Everything feels familiar here and the four hours fly by - mostly because my adrenaline was on 10,000. In all honesty, I couldn’t be more happier with this next step in my radio career.

What can the listeners expect to hear from you?

All of my personality in four beautiful and entertaining hours! I pride myself on connecting with audiences through engaging conversation along with great music and captivating content. Oh, and I throw few jokes into the mix as well because I really believe that's another career I need to nurture. Haha!

How and when did the decision to return to East Coast Radio come about?

It’s funny - I always knew I would be back at East Coast Radio, I just was not sure when. With small kids now a part of my husband and I's life, we really wanted move to a place my children can thrive - and a place with excellent broadcasting opportunities and other business opportunities all round. East Coast Radio ticked all the boxes for me. Sometimes, an opportunity comes at just the right time and I was there to grab it by the horns.

If I'm correct, you've had to literally pack up everything with your family and move to Durban. What was that like?

Yes we did! A truck, boxes, bubble wrap and all. It was scary and exciting at the same time. I have come to learn that in Durban, nature is real. Monkeys break into homes, a snake visit is normal and strange dangerous spiders are around too. I am not one for creepy crawlies, so I have been sleeping with one eye open. Other than that the weather is amazing, the beach is a stone throw away and, most of all, I have the best job ever! So that makes it all OK.

2020 has been one huge rollercoaster ride for everyone. What was it like for the radio industry?

It too has been a roller coaster in so many ways. When lockdown happened, I worked through it with a permit in hand. Going out when everyone else was bunkering down was nerve wrecking and, financially, many radio stations have felt the pinch. Many of my colleagues have lost jobs and been retrenched or had salaries slashed. It has been difficult to watch. In some way or another we have all felt the effect of this thing.

You've had a very promising career in radio. What are some of your biggest highlights?

So many to mention! What instantly comes to mind is that when I was at 947, I met President Nelson Mandela. During my time at Metro FM, I got to see Kanye West live in New York and Drake live in Los Angeles and while at East Coast Radio, the first time, I got to be a headline speaker at the International Essence Festival that was held in Durban. Oh - and while I was on stage doing my talk, Beyoncé’s mom Tina casually walked past and shortly after talking I interviewed R&B sensation Kelly Price.

As a seasoned TV presenter and a voice-over artist. How do you find the balance between juggling work and family life?

I always make time for all the important people in my life and that includes me. I make sure to have lots of "me time" and date nights are a thing. My kids take up most of my time though. It’s so important to find a balance between work and family life, and we feel like we have found that sweet spot simply by putting our family on a pedestal.

What do you love most about the radio industry and what you do?

I love the fact that radio is highly competitive and engaging. The whole experience is something new every day and we’re always dealing with a new challenge every minute. I also get to interact with so many different people and it’s an aspect I really enjoy. What's there not to love about a job like that? Being on radio is never monotonous and it keeps me on my toes.

Now that you're based in Durban, what's at the top of your to-do list?

I need to do a walk with my kids on the promenade and get into some cycling too. The weather has been up and down so I haven’t had the chance to do that just yet. Touring this magnificent province would be second. Oh, and indulging in the fine Durban cuisine. In face, I had my first Bunny Chow live on air recently! It’s been a thrill so far!

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