A look at South Africa's unique work culture

Have you ever wondered what happens inside the walls of other companies and how other people experience the workplace?
A look at South Africa's unique work culture

The workplace has transformed over the years. Today, most organisations have switched from closed or sectioned off offices to open plan offices. This has changed the way in which we work and collaborate.

CareerJunction, one of South Africa’s top job boards, recently conducted a survey which explores the workplace etiquette of South Africans.

The survey unpacks people’s feelings and habits across a range of topics, including privacy, noise, collaboration, office romances, hygiene, office politics, dress code and more.

Here are just some of the findings:

  • Privacy is a main pain point for most. Over 60% said they have no privacy and over 70% said they prefer to be separated from colleagues.

  • Half admitted that their current work environment sometimes makes it difficult to work due to noise and distractions while 19% listed this as a constant issue.

  • Almost half said that they wear headphones to minimise noise and distractions while the rest seem to cope without them.

  • Personal space is generally respected with most saying they approach colleagues cautiously, however a few admitted that they would wave their hands in front of colleagues’ faces or throw something at them to get their attention.

  • Over half complained that the inappropriate use of language annoys them, however only 19% said that it’s a constant issue.

  • Only 60% adhere to the company dress code.

  • Over half of colleagues play games or use social media during office hours but dating websites are mostly left for after-hours.

For more survey findings, read the full report at www.careerjunction.co.za/office.

CareerJunction is one of South Africa's top-quality candidate providers, with thousands of jobs advertised online daily and over three million registered jobseekers.

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