Michelle Francis
Tradeway are specialists at recruiting, training and managing resources for experiential activations, direct consumer engagement and field services. Their main resource pool for retailers, brand ambassadors and demonstrators are matriculants, tertiary students and unemployed youth seeking job experience through part-time work. Through the academy, Tradeway envisions up-skilling this group beyond pure 'job experience' to create better opportunities for employment and advancement in the workplace.
Founder and CEO of Tradeway, Michelle Francis, wanted to address two main goals within her business. The first was to improve the calibre and professionalism of promoters. "The industry is not doing enough to raise the standard of these brand representatives where the stigma of quick part-time work remains without relaying the importance of their work and the valued experience they garner as a representatives of major brands". Secondly, Michelle had the vision to "help our youngsters develop their skills and to set them on the best path for their career development into the bigger business world."
This has culminated in the launch of the Tradeway Academy. The academy is open to Tradeway's best performers - who are identified with the company's proprietary software management system which tracks best performance and behaviour. Customers are reassured that Tradeway is nurturing and retaining the best talent for activations in addition to actualising its corporate social initiative of giving back to its community and providing its promoters with the tools to succeed.
The Tradeway Academy officially launches on 1 March 2013. Headed up by former sales training manager for Unilever Food Solutions SAMEP (South Africa, Middle East and Pakistan), Munene Nel who'll launch the first series of courses which are aimed at either bridging the gap from completing secondary education into either entering the business world or entering tertiary education as well as general life and business skills courses for the informal recruits wishing to gain invaluable insight into the mechanics of the formal sector.
The first level of courses on offer includes Communication Skills, Selling Skills, Personal Presentation and Grooming, Financial Literacy, Career Planning and Basic Computer Skills. Level two courses will follow with Advanced Communication Skills, Negotiation Skills, Understanding Project Management and Leadership Skills. Tradeway is in the process of obtaining SETA Accreditation.
Francis concludes, "The team is very excited about the launch and prospects of the Tradeway Academy. We're providing young adults with great quality training, adding value to their development and future, and in turn securing the best talent pool for our customers."
About Tradeway:
Tradeway are specialists at recruiting, training & managing resources for experiential activations, direct consumer engagement and field services.
Tradeway provides reliable resources that will consistently represent your brand delivering the highest levels of compliance and return. Driven by our continued investment in proprietary technology, the latest training and testing methods in addition to people development, we are able to streamline representation, automate activation schedules, track our resources and monitor campaign performance in real time.