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Trialogue is one of only a few consultancies in South Africa that focus exclusively on corporate responsibility issues. Over 25 years of experience puts us at the forefront of new developments in sustainability and corporate social investment (CSI).
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FirstRand Empowerment Foundation shares agri vision at Trialogue Business in Society Conference
South Africa’s agricultural sector requires systemic change to ensure food security and support the nation’s small-scale farmers. This was the message underpinning a session at Trialogue’s 2024 Business in Society Conference sponsored by the FirstRand Empowerment Foundation. The session was titled ‘Driving transformation in Agri-ecosystems’. 2 Sep 2024 Read more

Beyond Mandela Day: the power of employee volunteering programmes
Employee volunteering continues to grow in South Africa, with most large companies boasting employee volunteering programmes. Trialogue director Cathy Duff explains how companies can keep up the momentum beyond Mandela Day to deliver sustained impact. 16 Jul 2024 Read more

Enabling intergenerational inclusion in entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship as a tool for reinforcing South Africa’s economy was under the spotlight at Trialogue’s Business in Society Conference 2024. The Absa-sponsored themed session, entitled ‘Enabling intergenerational inclusion through entrepreneurship’, explored the critical role of data in establishing a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurship to thrive. The session also considered some of the ways in which to shift societal mindsets towards fostering entrepreneurial growth. 9 Jul 2024 Read more

Future-ready youth – Business must collaborate to build skills for the evolving workplace
South African youth, particularly those aged 15 to 34, are facing major obstacles and remain the most vulnerable in our labour markets. Disruptive shifts that include globalisation, demographic changes and the advent of artificial intelligence are transforming our socioeconomic system and impacting jobs, says Judy Vilakazi, executive of corporate social responsibility at Telkom. Digital skills are essential for job creation in an evolved landscape, and business must be involved. 1 Jul 2024 Read more

Trialogue Business in Society Conference 2024: ABC to CEO – supporting the learning journey
The future of the education system in South African is digital and Vodacom has a huge role to play in enabling this, Sitho Mdlalose, CEO of Vodacom South Africa, told delegates at the recent Trialogue Business in Society Conference 2024. 25 Jun 2024 Read more

How can companies promote democracy and social justice?
On the eve of the 2024 elections – our seventh election since the dawn of democracy 30 years ago – South Africa is at a crossroads. 28 May 2024 Read more

Trialogue Business in Society Conference challenges stakeholders to collaborate for change
Trialogue’s 2024 Business in Society Conference created a lively platform for business and the non-profit sector to explore some of South African society’s most pressing needs and how corporate social investment (CSI) interventions and collaborations might respond to these more effectively. 21 May 2024 Read more

Bonang Mohale to speak on business supporting democracy at Trialogue Conference
The important role that business plays in supporting accountable political actors who embed and deepen South Africa’s democracy will take centre stage at this year’s Trialogue Business in Society Conference as thought leaders and delegates from the private, public and non-profit sectors gather to discuss corporate social responsibility ahead of elections. 8 May 2024 Read more

Help to advance our understanding of the non-profit sector in South Africa
Stand a chance to win with a survey that helps researchers understand emerging trends, income and more in the non-profit sector. 2 May 2024 Read more

Building better CSI: Trialogue Business in Society Conference promotes collaborative solutions
In a year poised to shape the future of democracy around the world, particularly in South Africa where upcoming elections hold the hope of a positive turning point for the country, the act of collaboration takes on special significance. 30 Apr 2024 Read more

Investment in social enterprise yields double-win
Social enterprises are attracting growing recognition for their potential to address some of South Africa’s most pressing challenges, combining profit generation with positive social development goals. Recent research suggests that social enterprises, already a valuable source of job creation across the continent, could be responsible for more than 5.5 million direct jobs by 2030. In recognition of this growing value, responsible business advisory company Trialogue has teamed up with Barloworld to guide companies looking to make meaningful contributions to these enterprises. 24 Apr 2024 Read more

How can companies invest in whole school development?
Trialogue and Telkom have joined forces to promote whole school development through the Trialogue Knowledge Hub, the leading information resource for social investors in Africa. 8 Apr 2024 Read more

What social impact will your company make this year?
Companies are increasingly viewing themselves as agents of change rather than mere economic entities. As corporate social investment (CSI) evolves to become core to business, will we view its contribution in a different light? We explore what the future holds. 29 Feb 2024 Read more

South African corporate social investment grows to R11.8bn in 2023
South African companies spent an estimated R11.8bn on corporate social investment (CSI) in the 2023 financial year, according to corporate responsibility consultancy Trialogue’s latest research findings. 14 Dec 2023 Read more

Sappi’s forestry initiative scoops coveted CSI award
The prestigious Trialogue Strategic CSI Award for 2023 was scooped by Sappi Khulisa, the company’s flagship programme for emerging timber farmers. The award celebrates CSI projects that find the optimal balance between delivering social impact and corporate benefit. 14 Dec 2023 Read more

Social investors and NPOs offered digital solutions to thrive in the responsible business landscape
The responsible business space is more complex than ever, which means professionals in the field need leading-edge industry information and opportunities to upskill. In response, corporate responsibility consultancy Trialogue has relaunched the popular Trialogue Knowledge Hub and launched the Trialogue Academy. 13 Jun 2023 Read more

Trialogue Business in Society Conference: Call for business to play stronger role in societal issues
The 16th annual Trialogue Business in Society Conference provided much food for thought as leaders from business, the non-profit sector and government gathered to focus on the role of business in strengthening South Africa's sociopolitical environment, addressing gender-based violence, improving education and catalysing impact in the green economy. Hosted by Azania Mosaka, the conference saw thought leaders call on the private sector for deeper involvement, strategic investment and effective collaboration with government and the non-profit sector to have meaningful impact on these critical issues. 12 May 2023 Read more

Trialogue's Business in Society Conference focuses on GBV, education and the green economy
Hosted by Azania Mosaka, this year's Trialogue Business in Society Conference on 9 and 10 May invites business leaders to consider how they can accelerate the fight against poverty, inequality, poor education outcomes, gender-based violence and the climate crisis under the overarching theme of inclusive and purposeful business. 2 May 2023 Read more

How business can help to realise the South Africa we struggled for: Rev. Frank Chikane
South Africa's future is at risk unless we deal with the scourge of unemployment, Rev. Frank Chikane warned delegates during his keynote address at the Trialogue Business in Society Conference on 11 May. 7 Jun 2022 Read more

Delivering on the Constitution means effecting social justice
Ubuntu-driven leadership is needed for South Africa to 'bounce forward' as a nation, according to Professor Thuli Madonsela, chair in social justice research at Stellenbosch University and the founder of the Thuma Foundation. 6 Jun 2022 Read more

How to ensure equitable philanthropy in Africa
Research supported by Vodacom Foundation, Safaricom and the Vodafone Foundation reveals why donor resources for Africa tend to go to Northern-based rather than African-led civil society organisations. Civil and private sector leaders discussed how Africa can liberate itself from international donor dependency at a recent conference. 3 Jun 2022 Read more

Green is the new gold: why companies should invest in the green economy
Investing in the green economy will help to drive inclusive growth through job creation and entrepreneurship. Nedbank is sponsoring this vital topic at the Trialogue Business in Society Conference, which will take place on 10 and 11 May 2022. 5 May 2022 Read more

How to ensure equitable philanthropy in Africa
Research supported by Vodacom Foundation, Safaricom and the Vodafone Foundation reveals why donor resources for Africa tend to go to Northern-based rather than African-led civil society organisations. Vodacom Foundation will continue the conversation at this year's Trialogue Business in Society Conference. 4 May 2022 Read more

Business can reconnect with its purpose as pandemic restrictions ease
This year's Trialogue Business in Society Conference focuses on reconnection, with keynote speakers that include Professor Thuli Madonsela, Trudi Makhaya, the Reverend Frank Chikane and Mallence Bart-Williams lined up to address vital issues in development and responsible business. 21 Apr 2022 Read more

How companies can embed human rights in their organisations
The World Economic Forum says human rights should find a permanent place in the boardroom, but companies often fail to make this key risk a priority. In fact, the private sector has a poor track record when it comes to human rights, according to the 2020 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB). Almost half the companies assessed faced at least one serious allegation relating to human rights, and there is a disconnect between company commitments and actual performance and results. 5 Apr 2022 Read more

Introducing a pragmatic guide to climate risk for business leaders
Although climate-related risks are among the top three global risks identified by the World Economic Forum over the next decade, many business leaders find it difficult to identify the information they need to help them mitigate this risk. There is a lot of theory to digest, but few practical guides to show companies where and how to start. 8 Mar 2022 Read more

How ESG and social investment trends will affect the future of CSI in South Africa
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles provide a broad framework for looking at a company's impact on society. 7 Mar 2022 Read more

Survey finds volunteering programmes are a vital component of good corporate citizenship
Pandemic lockdowns and the need for social distancing caused employee volunteering to decline in 2020 - but nine out of ten employees are keen to volunteer in future. This is according to research conducted by corporate responsibility consultancy Trialogue and employee volunteering platform forgood. 11 Feb 2022 Read more

Every milestone counts on Absa's sustainability journey
On 6 May 2021, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) issued a statement saying they were poised to award credit in the amount of $150m to Johannesburg-based Absa Group, in what they labelled as "Africa's first certified green loan". This finance would bolster the bank's funding for green projects and strengthen its position as a leader in financing renewable projects in South Africa. 27 Jan 2022 Read more

Helping business transition to net zero
There are significant opportunities for businesses making the transition to a net zero future, but the private sector needs to accelerate its understanding of new codes, standards and frameworks, and integrate these into business models and governance frameworks, before these can be explored. 20 Dec 2021 Read more

Business leaders must declare 'zero tolerance' for GBV
Gender-based violence (GBV) should be viewed as a human rights issue by South African companies, who have a vital role to play in eradicating the terrible scourge that is currently gripping our country. Given that businesses operate within society and form a part of the social fabric, companies are far from immune to the social ills that plague our country and should therefore play a strategic role in seeking a solution to these problems. 6 Dec 2021 Read more

South African companies spent R10.3bn on CSI in 2021
South African companies spent an estimated R10.3 billion on corporate social investment (CSI) in the 221 financial year. Representing a 7% decrease in real terms from R10.7 billion in 2020. This is according to CSI consultancy Trialogue, which released its findings in the newly published 24th edition of the annual Trialogue Business in Society Handbook. 1 Dec 2021 Read more

The rise of the 'nursepreneur' scoops prestigious CSI award for Imperial Logistics' Unjani Clinics
Imperial Logstics' Unjani Clinics have been named the winner of the prestigious Trialogue Strategic CSI Award 2021. The award was launched in 2014 to recognise projects that find an ideal balance between delivering social impact and corporate benefit. The award encourages corporate social investment (CSI) practitioners to think more strategically when designing and implementing their programmes. 30 Nov 2021 Read more

The youth are leading a climate change revolution
The weight of the climate emergency is being carried by young people - but the Soweto uprising showed us how powerful the youth can be, and the crisis can be overcome if young people stand together. 12 Nov 2021 Read more

South African company directors lag on climate awareness
Climate change is a systemic risk for business, but research shows that South African companies are behind the curve when it comes to addressing climate impact. 4 Nov 2021 Read more

Destigmatising mental health in corporate culture
The Covid-19 crisis has exacted a heavy price, from financial insecurity to the isolation of remote work and demands on parents home-schooling their children. We need to have hard conversations about mental health in the workplace - or the new spaces in which we find ourselves working. 12 Oct 2021 Read more

Pandemic and civil unrest have accelerated shift towards more responsible business
The challenges we faced in 2020, when the pandemic first reached our shores, seemed to threaten the very fabric of our society. But it is fair to say that 2020 appears to have been a mere dress rehearsal for 2021, with its waves of pandemic lockdowns, accelerating Covid-19 infections, and the political chaos, violence and looting in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng in early July. These events have only intensified the hunger and poverty that have been a feature of our society for far too long. 14 Sep 2021 Read more

Call for entries: The Trialogue Strategic CSI Award 2021
Enter your strategic CSI projects for consideration for the Trialogue Strategic CSI Award 2021. Entries close 31 July. 22 Jul 2021 Read more

Promaths Online: Lessons learnt from a year of adapting and innovating through lockdown
Promaths by Investec piloted its Promaths Online programme in 2020, enabling almost 2,000 learners to access the impactful intervention, which is now being scaled up to include grades 10 and 11. What has been learnt during the past year, and how can other organisations achieve similar success? 15 Jun 2021 Read more

Gender-based violence has always been the 'first pandemic' for Vodacom
When President Cyril Ramaphosa called gender-based violence (GBV) the 'second pandemic' in South Africa, the simmering issue was finally acknowledged as a national crisis. However, for Vodacom, GBV has always been the 'first pandemic' and the company has not just spoken out about it during Women's Month, or the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, but at every opportunity. 14 Jun 2021 Read more

Overcoming trauma and woundedness for institutional and societal success
Billions of rands are invested annually in developmental projects, but the paradox is that we still seem to make little progress or even go backwards. To move forward, we have to address the trauma and woundedness that affects us as individuals, institutions and society. 10 Nov 2020 Read more

Business and society need to act in solidarity for inclusive growth
The Covid-19 pandemic has had devastating consequences, but it has also revealed how society at large and business in particular can act in solidarity and collaborate to rebuild South Africa. The country is on the threshold of an important opportunity to "imaginatively reshape its economic landscape". 27 Oct 2020 Read more

Decolonising international development
Dismantling the 'white gaze', fostering more transparent partnerships, and centering on local expertise and leadership 20 Oct 2020 Read more

Countdown to Trialogue Business in Society Virtual Conference
Covid-19 has greatly exacerbated the pressing socio-economic issues facing South Africans and many of the country's most astute and informed corporate, non-profit, government and academic leaders will engage this month (13 and 14 October) on how to address these challenges. 2 Oct 2020 Read more

Adapting monitoring and evaluation practices in a time of crisis
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) has changed dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic. In some instances it has been dropped as budgets have been cut and programmes have been adjusted, yet it continues to play a vital role in helping funders and non-profit organisations (NPOs) understand the new and changing needs of service users. As we rethink our responses, it is important to ask how we can use M&E to design more effective programmes and whether existing M&E frameworks are still relevant. 22 Sep 2020 Read more

Investec takes its Promaths programme to the next level under lockdown
Promaths by Investec, which provides extra maths and science tuition for learners in previously disadvantaged communities from grades 10 to 12, was first launched in 2005, in partnership with the Kutlwanong Maths, Science and Technology Centre and the Department of Basic Education (DBE). Today, the programme operates a total of 16 centres (eight of these directly funded by Investec) in six provinces, reaching thousands of learners who show potential in these subjects. 25 Aug 2020 Read more

Trialogue offers CSI strategy refresh support in response to Covid-19
As companies find ways to respond to new and growing societal need in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many are reviewing their existing corporate social investment (CSI) strategies. Budget constraints and an increased demand for resources mean they must make adjustments, responding to the crisis with short-term assistance while also developing a broader long-term strategy. 4 Aug 2020 Read more

Last call for entries for the Trialogue Strategic CSI Award
Companies are invited to enter their corporate social investment (CSI) projects into the prestigious Trialogue Strategic CSI Award, which was launched in 2014 to recognise projects that exemplify best practice in CSI. With less than two weeks to go to enter, companies are urged to not miss out on this opportunity - entries close at midnight on 31 July 2020. 21 Jul 2020 Read more

MTN Awards for Social Change to reward NPOS with R1m
Non-profit organisations have a chance to win their share of R1m in the MTN Awards for Social Change, which rewards good monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practice in the NPO sector. Launched by CSI and sustainability consultancy Trialogue and the MTN Foundation in 2019, these prestigious awards encourage best practice M&E and facilitate learning and information sharing among NPOs. 20 Jul 2020 Read more

How can donors invest with a post-Covid-19 world in mind?
Nedbank Private Wealth has won multiple awards for its philanthropic advice and has published The Giving Report, a snapshot of giving practices among South Africa's wealthy, since 2010. 13 Jul 2020 Read more

Reengineering education in a changing landscape
When the Covid-19 pandemic arrived on our shores earlier this year, Old Mutual's seven-year Education Flagship Project (OMEFP) had come to a close (in December 2019), and we were applying our minds to a new strategy for our CSI work in education. Because our funds were not yet committed to any specific programmes, we were in a position to be exceptionally responsive to the crisis and able to allocate the funds to much-needed Covid-19 relief efforts. 30 Jun 2020 Read more

Participate in the Trialogue NPO survey on the state of CSI in South Africa and stand the chance to win a full-page ad
Trialogue is a responsible business consultancy and publishes the annual Trialogue Business in Society Handbook - the leading publication on corporate social investment in South Africa, providing reliable data and thought leadership that contributes to deepened understanding of, and impact in, development. 9 Jun 2020 Read more

The impact of Covid-19 on the non-profit sector
There are more than 220,000 non-profit organisations (NPOs) registered with the Department of Social Development, and many are at the coalface of the Covid-19 response as they provide relief services, including food, water and medical supplies, to millions of vulnerable citizens. With these NPOs dependent on funding and donations to bolster their operations, a significant challenge lies ahead, particularly amidst a struggling economy. Many NPOs are experiencing or anticipating funding cuts, even as demand for their assistance increases. 28 May 2020 Read more

React-adapt-rebuild: Tiered corporate social investment responses to Covid-19
Corporate South Africa's response to the social impact of the pandemic has been varied, with some companies stepping up to the plate early with vigour and leadership, and others - unsure about the long-term impact of the crisis on their bottom lines, as well as on society at large - responding with measure. Responsible business consultancy, Trialogue, advocates for companies to respond to the crisis by applying their core business competencies as well as their social investments to emergency and long-term social support. A Trialogue, corporate social investment (CSI) forum, hosted online on 21 April 2020, profiled corporate response options and case studies on the impact that Covid-19 has on social investments. 27 May 2020 Read more

How can companies achieve a lasting impact in the coronavirus crisis?
Over the past few weeks, we have seen big business stepping up to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. While financial support is laudable and much needed - NPO Candid estimates that $1.9bn had been spent on coronavirus relief by private entities all over the world as at early April - demand is always going to exceed supply during such a crisis. No amount of money will ever be enough. This point is illustrated by the fact that Johann Rupert's well-intentioned R1bn Sukuma Relief Programme shut down temporarily after just a few days due to oversubscription by small businesses in search of relief. 26 May 2020 Read more

How we can all embrace philanthropy's true value in a crisis
Nedbank Private Wealth has won multiple awards for its philanthropic advice and has published The Giving Report, a snapshot of giving practices among South Africa's wealthy, since 2010. 15 Apr 2020 Read more

Principal training interventions - finding the right fit
The Old Mutual Education Flagship Project (OMEFP), launched in 2013, committed to investing R350m over seven years in under-resourced schools. Part of the intervention invested in research on how leadership methodologies inform behaviours, decision-making and the functioning of schools.  10 Mar 2020 Read more

The Trialogue Business in Society Conference: 20/20 vision
The Wanderers Club, Illovo, Johannesburg
21 and 22 April 2020
 5 Mar 2020 Read more

Registration now open for the Trialogue Business in Society Conference
21 & 22 April | The Wanderers Club, Illovo, Johannesburg 7 Feb 2020 Read more

Teacher development is critical to rescuing SA's education system
  • 60% of grade 4 learners in the public schooling system are not able to read fluently and with understanding.
  • 13% of foundation phase new teacher graduates had an African home language; by contrast, 83% of learners have an African home language.
  • South Africa ranks worst for Science Achievement among more than 60 countries.
  • Research indicates that 61% of grade 5 learners unable to do basic maths.
  • 79% of Grade 6 maths teacher unable to score 60% or higher on Grade 6 or 7 level questions.
 30 Jul 2019 Read more

How strategic is your CSI? Entries for the Trialogue Strategic CSI Award are now open
Companies are invited to enter their strategic corporate social investment projects for consideration in the annual Trialogue Strategic CSI Award. A strategic project is one that is implemented to meet social benefits through core business practice. The winning project will be profiled in The Trialogue Business in Society Handbook and receive extensive media coverage. 5 Jul 2019 Read more

Last chance to register for The Trialogue Business in Society Conference 2019
Registration for the Trialogue Business in Society Conference closes on Wednesday, 3 April 2019. Join more than 400 development stakeholders for a dynamic exchange of ideas on how to enhance and sustain impact in development work. 29 Mar 2019 Read more

Judge Albie Sachs to deliver keynote address at Trialogue Business in Society Conference 2019
Trialogue, a consultancy that focuses on corporate responsibility issues, is pleased to announce Judge Albie Sachs as the keynote speaker at its upcoming Business in Society Conference, which will take place at The Wanderers Club in Johannesburg on 16 and 17 April 2019. The former judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa played a pivotal role in authoring our Constitution and continues to ensure the realisation of its ideals of human rights, freedom, dignity and equality. Delegates will have the unique opportunity to reflect with and draw inspiration from this social justice activist. 7 Feb 2019 Read more

SA companies invest R9.7bn in CSI
Companies spent an estimated R9.7bn on corporate social investment (CSI) in South Africa in 2018 - a 7% year-on-year increase in rand terms (2017: R9.1bn) and, taking inflation into account, the first real increase in five years, according to CSI and sustainability consultancy Trialogue. The company launched the 21st edition of the annual Trialogue Business in Society Handbook in Johannesburg on 28 November 2018. 11 Dec 2018 Read more

How can corporates support social enterprises in South Africa?
By Rachael Millson, African Partnerships Director, Social Enterprise Academy South Africa. (Social Enterprise Academy South Africa is the knowledge partner for the Social Enterprise topic on the Trialogue Knowledge Hub.) In this article, she looks at how corporates can support the rapidly growing social enterprise sector in South Africa. 13 Nov 2018 Read more

Profile your work on the Trialogue Knowledge Hub - a digital platform for social investment info
The Trialogue Knowledge Hub ( is an online body of knowledge for business and other actors that invest in socio-economic development. The Knowledge Hub hosts in-depth, accessible research and information on specific topics across various development sectors. It is freely available to anyone that wishes the access the information. 9 Oct 2018 Read more

Trialogue and Eskom partner to promote enterprise development
Enterprise development involves investing money and time in small enterprises, so that they can become sustainable and grow. It can help people to escape poverty and earn a living, and in the process contribute to economic growth in South Africa. 14 Jun 2018 Read more

CSI and social enterprise resources now available on the Trialogue Knowledge Hub
'Social enterprises' - organisations that blend social benefits with financial revenues - are currently a buzzword in corporate social investment (CSI) circles. In order to meet the demand for more information, CSI consultancy Trialogue has established a free, online body of knowledge on the subject. 4 Jun 2018 Read more

New online resource helps companies meet the need to read
A free knowledge hub aims to improve corporate social investment (CSI) in functional literacy during the school foundation phase 30 Apr 2018 Read more

Trialogue Business in Society Conference to address key themes in CSI and responsible business
Delegates at South Africa's annual responsible business gathering can look forward to an inspirational speaker line-up addressing on-trend themes ranging from social justice to harnessing the momentous changes of the digital revolution. 26 Feb 2018 Read more

Digital platform offers free maths and science resources
What innovative teaching programmes are making a difference in under-resourced schools? And how relevant are global educational rankings to local conditions? These are just some of the topics addressed on a free online knowledge hub that offers extensive information on improving maths and science education in South African schools. 30 Jan 2018 Read more

Free knowledge hub launched to boost school leadership and management
A free, comprehensive online resource has been launched to help improve school leadership and management - a critical factor in boosting learner performance. 29 Jan 2018 Read more

Trialogue provides free resources on Shared Value portal
Running a more profitable and innovative business, while addressing some of society's most pressing problems, sounds too good to be true. However, this concept ? known as Shared Value ? is being adopted by businesses ranging from start-ups to some of the world's largest corporations. 12 Dec 2017 Read more

SA companies invest over R9 billion in CSI
Despite challenging economic conditions, South African companies are estimated to have invested over R9 billion in corporate social investment (CSI) in the 2016/2017 financial year - compared to R1.5 billion 20 years ago. 6 Dec 2017 Read more

Webinar to discuss giving around the globe
Leading global organisations in corporate giving are hosting an international webinar on Thursday, 19 November, from 3pm-4pm - which stakeholders can access free by registering online. 13 Nov 2017 Read more

Philanthropy site answers your questions about giving this festive season
It's nearly the start of the festive season ? a time when many people and companies want to give back and make a difference. 2 Nov 2017 Read more

Free financial literacy portal shares learnings and lessons
Managing finances is a challenge that most South Africans face, yet there are many companies with the knowledge and resources to help, but which are unsure about how to implement financial literacy programmes. 20 Oct 2017 Read more

New CSI knowledge hub launched
Social investment consultancy Trialogue has launched an online resource portal offering learnings and lessons on socio-economic development from SA companies. The Trialogue Knowledge Hub offers access to lead practice content, case studies and research. 6 Oct 2017 Read more