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Profile your work on the Trialogue Knowledge Hub - a digital platform for social investment info

The Trialogue Knowledge Hub ( is an online body of knowledge for business and other actors that invest in socio-economic development. The Knowledge Hub hosts in-depth, accessible research and information on specific topics across various development sectors. It is freely available to anyone that wishes the access the information.
Profile your work on the Trialogue Knowledge Hub - a digital platform for social investment info

The aim of the Knowledge Hub is to develop a resource that plays a fundamental role in bringing about broad collaboration of all stakeholders in CSI, enabling learning amongst peers, and resulting in distillation of applied lead practice.

We currently host ten topics:

  • Maths and Science in Education

  • Functional Literacy at Foundation Phase

  • ICT in Education

  • Whole School Development

  • School Leadership and Management

  • Financial Literacy

  • Philanthropy

  • Shared Value

  • Enterprise Development

  • Social Enterprise

If you work in any of these areas, you are invited to share your case studies to be profiled on the Knowledge Hub. Sharing your work on the Knowledge Hub allows others working in the sector to learn from your experiences, and, in turn, share their work and experiences for you to build on. There is no cost associated with sharing your work and insights on the Knowledge Hub.

Contact us for more information on how to submit your case studies: az.oc.eugolairt@rednivogr.

Profile your work on the Trialogue Knowledge Hub - a digital platform for social investment info

9 Oct 2018 15:08
