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Trialogue offers CSI strategy refresh support in response to Covid-19

As companies find ways to respond to new and growing societal need in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many are reviewing their existing corporate social investment (CSI) strategies. Budget constraints and an increased demand for resources mean they must make adjustments, responding to the crisis with short-term assistance while also developing a broader long-term strategy.
Trialogue offers CSI strategy refresh support in response to Covid-19

With more than 20 years’ experience in CSI, consultancy Trialogue – a Level 2 BEE company – can assist your company to emerge stronger once the crisis has passed. In response to the pandemic, Trialogue has adapted its CSI strategy framework to facilitate quick support for strategy reviews, with three types of support offered:

  • Free 45-minute high-level presentations to foundation boards, company CSI committees or executives. These will not be tailored to the specific company but will provide some context and strategic decision points for leaders to consider.

  • Light strategy review processes, facilitated by Trialogue, with a Covid-19 lens. These will entail collecting data on your company’s CSI programme through questionnaires and data templates; conducting a desktop review of the information; and a Trialogue-facilitated three-hour workshop with relevant CSI representatives to go through key decision points, including available resources, key programmatic shifts and internal changes required. The outcome will be a set of agreed CSI strategy shifts required in the short and longer terms.

  • Assistance with implementing strategic shifts in CSI. This could involve support with updating existing strategy or policy documentation, exiting programmes, identifying new programmes, adjusting programmes, or setting up monitoring and evaluation frameworks and reviewing projects.

Trialogue, which has offices in both Cape Town and Johannesburg, is the South African partner of the CECP Global Exchange, a coalition uniting country-based, mission-driven corporate societal engagement organisations to advance the corporate sector as a force for good around the world.

Contact Nick Rockey or Cathy Duff to discuss your needs.

Trialogue’s Covid-19 decision matrix
Trialogue’s Covid-19 decision matrix
click to enlarge

4 Aug 2020 12:25
