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Aisha Pandor sweeps up two titles at the PriceCheck Tech & E-Commerce Awards
Aisha Pandor sweeps up two titles at the PriceCheck Tech & E-Commerce Awards
[Jessica Tennant] Aisha Pandor, co-founder and CEO of SweepSouth, swept up two titles at the 2016 PriceCheck Tech & E-Commerce Awards, where she was named both Best Female Tech/E-Commerce Entrepreneur and Best Black Tech/E-Commerce Entrepreneur... read
Banking & Finance
Whitey Basson.
Shoprite defends Whitey Basson's R100m pay

Colleen Goko

Shoprite's top man, Whitey Basson, took home a little more than R100m in the year to June 30 2016 - an amount double his earnings in 2015 - after delivering what the group called excellent results during the period... read
Credit card or selfie? Mastercard starts biometric payments
Credit card or selfie? Mastercard starts biometric payments
PARIS - Shoppers in a dozen European countries can make online payments using a selfie from Tuesday, under a rollout by Mastercard of new payment technology... read
ROI on customer experience as simple as replacing these 'apps'
ROI on customer experience as simple as replacing these 'apps'

Johan Botha

Some might reason I am a bit of an "appsoholic" as I just cannot help myself when new apps are released. I have little self-control and just have to experience them! So the download begins... read
The customer experience ripple effect
The customer experience ripple effect

Mareli Smit

In celebration of Global CX Day today, 5 October 2016, it is perhaps time to look at customer experience with a different lens on... read
Should South Africa be writing its own PSD2 regulations?
Should South Africa be writing its own PSD2 regulations?

David Liu

Europe's PSD2 is referred to the biggest development in banking history, one wonders why South Africa hasn't already followed suit... read
Rhodes Food Group to acquire Pakco
Rhodes Food Group to acquire Pakco

Robert Laing

Rhodes Food Group intends acquiring instant food maker Pakco, whose brands include Bisto gravy and Trotters jelly, in exchange for shares valued at R200m... read
Manufacturing still in doldrums but outlook improves
Manufacturing still in doldrums but outlook improves

Ntsakisi Maswanganyi

Numbers coming out on manufacturing activity suggest the sector was not a big contributor to third-quarter growth... read
Amazon has banned reviews of products received free or at generous discounts, unless authors have been deemed trustworthy by the online retail giant ()
Amazon bans most 'incentivised' reviews
SAN FRANCISCO - Amazon on Monday banned reviews of products received free or at generous discounts, unless authors have been deemed trustworthy by the online retail giant... read
More International
#SAGO16: Gas-to-power IPP programme explained
#SAGO16: Gas-to-power IPP programme explained

Nicci Botha

The much anticipated PIM, outlining the scope of South Africa's gas-to-power IPP programme and detailing priority projects has been released... read
Jobs offered
Copywriter - Cape Town
Cash Crusaders Franchising is recruiting a copy writer with excellent writing skills in product marketing, training material and online marketing. Independent worker with good time management skills required! Read more >>

New events to diarise
Masters of Business Lunch and Learn
PR Expert - 11 Oct 2016, Johannesburg | 12 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Short course in customer experience practice
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Marketing, communication and customer relations
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Hands-on supply chain management
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 7 Nov 2016 to 11 Nov 2016, Pretoria

Professional sales
The Peer Training Group - 7 Dec 2016, Johannesburg

Audrey Hepburn
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"

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2016 Nedbank Cape Winemakers Guild Auction

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RT @business: David Herro can smell a bargain at Deutsche Bank https://t.co/eYPmMGLGjq https://t.co/RCVJln7ypm
???? Forgotten your password? Mastercard lets you pay with a selfie. https://t.co/1whAfQFVwQ
RT @Slate: Think Google knows a lot about you? Wait until it lives on your kitchen counter: https://t.co/QWpt9UiZ2b https://t.co/0giHCqFNih
South African group announces subsidiary will acquire menswear brand. https://t.co/voo1Wm6pki
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