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#SustainabilityMonth: Life's too Lush for normal cosmetics, Q&A with co-founder Rowena Bird
#SustainabilityMonth: Life's too Lush for normal cosmetics, Q&A with co-founder Rowena Bird
[Jessica Tennant] Here's a company that believes in true sustainability to the extent of turning shampoo into a bar and toothpaste into a tablet, thoughtfully designing out the need for packaging at the product creation stage... read

Sustainability month
#SustainabilityMonth: Green Worx uses enzyme technology to limit ecological footprint
#SustainabilityMonth: Green Worx uses enzyme technology to limit ecological footprint

Sindy Peters

Green Worx Cleaning Solutions recently became the first bio enzyme company in South Africa to be certified as compliant with the Certified Quality System ISO 14001 : 2015 standard... read
Wahl, Ingarfield and Du Plessis.
#SustainabilityMonth: The immersive consumer experience

Leigh Andrews

Some brands are taking event activations to the next level by creating beautifully conceptualised spaces as a new touchpoint to enhance consumer experiences. Here's how Pernod Ricard has done so, while keeping sustainability top of mind... read
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Banking & Finance
Dave Woollam.
Lewis targets Woollam with fresh claims
The legal battle between Lewis and activist shareholder Dave Woollam appears to have moved back to the Financial Services Board (FSB) where its directorate of market abuse, hours after clearing Woollam of insider trading charges, informed him he was once again under their spotlight... read
Celebrating Global CX Day - a tribute to brand warriors!
Celebrating Global CX Day - a tribute to brand warriors!

Chantel Botha

As 5 October approaches, customer experience professionals worldwide are preparing for a celebration of acknowledgement, knowledge sharing and showcasing of customer experience stories from around the globe... read
Facebook launches buy-and-sell 'Marketplace'
Facebook launches buy-and-sell 'Marketplace'
Facebook on Monday launched a new online "Marketplace" allowing members of the huge social network to buy and sell with each other... read
#WorldAnimalDay: getting McDonalds SA to commit to cage-free chickens
#WorldAnimalDay: getting McDonalds SA to commit to cage-free chickens
Media and other influencers joined Angus McIntosh at the Spier Biodynamic Farm last week to see what free-range chickens actually look like, in support of the McDonals petition to commit to... read
Data expected to confirm manufacturing weakness
Data expected to confirm manufacturing weakness

Madeleine van Niekerk

The Barclays purchasing managers' index kicks off the economic data releases on Monday, with economists forecasting that its reading is likely to confirm the weak pace of activity in the manufacturing sector... read
Retail Marketing
Primedia Lifestyle accepts the Gold Award for the Grocery Avenue campaign at Menlyn Park Shopping Centre, in the category of grand opening, expansion and/or renovation.
From left to right: Jeff Zidel, SACSC Fortress and President; Olive Ndebele, GM of Menlyn for Mowana Properties; Andrea De Wit, Marketing Manager of Menlyn for Primedia Lifestyle; and Amanda Stops, SACSC CEO.
Primedia Lifestyle takes home 13 Footprint Marketing Awards
Primedia Lifestyle took home 13 of these prestigious awards, including one Gold, six Silver and six Bronze out of the overall 33 awards (approximately 40%), across multiple categories... read
Cultivate a growth mindset to thrive in digital business
Cultivate a growth mindset to thrive in digital business

Lauren Hartzenberg

The future is uncertain. Business leaders need to understand that they will no longer have all the answers and can't relentlessly pursue one fixed direction... read
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Masters of Business Lunch and Learn
PR Expert - 11 Oct 2016, Johannesburg | 12 Oct 2016, Johannesburg

Short course in customer experience practice
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Marketing, communication and customer relations
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 26 Oct 2016 to 28 Oct 2016, Pretoria

Hands-on supply chain management
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 7 Nov 2016 to 11 Nov 2016, Pretoria

Professional sales
The Peer Training Group - 7 Dec 2016, Johannesburg

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Correction does much, but encouragement does more."

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Woolworths finalises sale of profitable hardware business to wholesale business. https://t.co/oFSI9XnCvA
Shoprite defends Whitey Basson's R100m pay https://t.co/mBRKgnf4Fb https://t.co/aK13OewJ0g
MasterCard launches 'selfie pay' https://t.co/6UKxTFLsAl
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