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Bernie Brookes.
Bain walks away from R25bn Edcon venture
[Colleen Goko] Bain Capital will hand over ownership of the Edcon group to its creditors and walk away with nothing after its R25bn investment into the company nine years ago... read
Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry
- Photo: The New Times
Big Data and Africa's Green Revolution

Debisi Araba

The man whose improved wheat varieties sparked the Green Revolution in Asia during the 1960s had dreams to take new and improved agricultural technologies to Africa to spark a... read
HASA pleads the case for private medical schools
HASA pleads the case for private medical schools
The world average of doctors to population stood at 152 per 100,000 in 2013. In South Africa it stood at a paltry 60 per 100,000... read
IT & Telecommunications
Global technology trends shaping the modern workplace
Global technology trends shaping the modern workplace
The European and South African findings from the Dell and Intel Future Workforce Study have been revealed... read
Marketing & Media
African Media Agency launches US-Africa business distribution
African Media Agency launches US-Africa business distribution
The African Media Agency has expanded its communications media channel to distribute press releases to media in the United States... read
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