4 Oct 2011



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Sindy Peters, Content development manager
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Editorial news

Biz Lounge

"Cult of self" explored in One Small Seed's anniversary edition
With the "Cult of self" as the theme for the sixth anniversary edition of One Small Seed magazine, individuals worldwide who have challenged the notion of "self" have been found and interviewed - from musicians to artists to an author and a Hollywood filmmaker. Read more >>


Jim Beam bourbon has gone cherry
[Evan-Lee Courie] Red Stag, the newest addition to the Jim Beam range of bourbon whisky, was recently launched in South Africa. I had the opportunity to have a taste of the new kid on the block. Read more >>


Imminent shnit!
The shnit International Short Film Festival takes place from 5-9 October 2011, in Berne, Cologne, Cape Town and for the first time this year, Vienna, Singapore, San Francisco, Panama and San Jose. The festival screens short films from six continents, including South African emergent and innovative films. Read more >>


Dirty Toilet Sex Music in Durbs and Joburg - Win tickets
DJ Terry Francis, from Fabric London, will headline this year's "Dirty Toilet Sex Music" tour, in which he and Fabric London will play the Sasha Nightclub, Durban, on Friday, 14 October and Truth Nightclub, Joburg on Saturday, 15 October 2011. Read more >>

Rocking the Daisies 2011 line-up
Band of Skulls, the British rock band, will be the headline act for the main stage on Saturday night, 8 October, and the French electro duo Mustard Pimp will be the main act for the Red Bull Studio Live Electronic Stage on Friday night, 7 October 2011. Read more >>

New EP from Haezer
Haezer has just released a new EP, "Yasi", which is available for free download. The EP, named after a severe tropical cyclone that hit northern Queensland, Australia recently, features the title track "Yasi," as well as a bonus track called "Joey Bloom". Read more >>

Deadmau5 to tour SA
The Canadian progressive, electro and house music producer Deadmau5, will be performing at Ratanga Junction, Cape Town on Thursday, 1 December, at the Wavehouse, Durban (unhooked), on Friday, 2 December, and at Wildwaters H2O and Joburg on Saturday, 3 December 2011. Read more >>

HHP is latest Sing 'it mystery artist
Jabulani Tsambo, better known as HHP, or Hip Hop Pantsula, or Jabba, one of South Africa's biggest hip hop artists, has become the ninth mystery artist to join the Sing 'it lyrics-writing competition. Read more >>


RWC 2011 - it's showtime!
[Corné Krige] What an incredible week in World Cup rugby. The competition really was set alight by shocking news and phenomenal games. The shocking news is that New Zealand's match winner Dan Carter will take no further part in the World Cup. Read more >>


Competitors arrive for the Genée International Ballet Competition
Competitors from 14 countries have arrived for the start of the Genée International Ballet Competition, which will be held at Artscape, Cape Town from 6-9 October 2011. Read more >>

All industry news

Environmental Management

Park, the size of Sweden, to straddle five countries
A huge new transfrontier park that will stretch from Angola in the west to Zimbabwe in the east - and estimated to be 15 times larger than the Serengeti in Tanzania - is being planned for Africa. Read more >>

Human Resources & Recruitment

Workers get R500 000 windfall
Workers who have been with Kumba for five years or more will get a R500 000 bonus in December as part of a generous employee share option scheme that will see the company paying out more than R2,5-billion to its employees. Read more >>


Pick n Pay opens in Mauritius
Pick n Pay, late last week, announced the opening of latest addition to its expanding African footprint - its first Mauritian store in Bagatelle's Mall. The company will open a further two stores in Mauritius in the next year. Read more >>

Women's health

Women must 'invest in their health'
PRETORIA: With October being International Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is encouraging all women to invest in their health by learning how to detect various female cancers early. Read more >>

Nutren Activ Adventure Boot Camp Wellness Seminar

SAFW (Winter 2012 Collection)

SAFW (Winter 2012 Collection) - Backstage


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New people on biz

Anel Bester
Life Coach at Anel Bester
Yolanda Bilang
Account Manager/Relationship Builder

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