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Property & Real Estate

BizTop stories
Growth prospects for housing market on the up
The Monetary Policy Committee has opted to keep the repo rate

SAPOA, Property Sector Charter Council to continue partnership on transformation
The South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) will continue to fund the Property Sector Charter Council (PSCC) to the tune of around R250,000 a year for an additional three-year period... read
Affordable Housing
Why megaprojects to deliver houses in South Africa might not work

Richard Ballard and Margot Rubin

In 2014, the South African government announced a new direction in housing policy... read
Commercial Property
In the right environment, everyone is creative

Issued By GO Content Lab

Scroll back if you can, to the office of the 1970s - 'working 9 to 5' was the norm and employee happiness had little or no bearing in a largely autonomous corporate environment... read
Community retail centres tick all the boxes - here's why
While some big retail centres are experiencing a reduction in rentals... read
Markets & Investment
Why the future of urbanisation is the colossal meta city
Urbanisation will be the defining trend of the next 25 years... read
What you need to know about "airing" your property

Bruce Swain

Conversation around the braai has it that Airbnb is an easy way to let your property make money for you... read
Flat rental rates in Cape Town's Southern Suburbs decline by 36%
According to Seeff's Imtiaz Adam, the Southern Suburbs sectional title rental market has softened notably over the last few months... read
8 ways to ruin your chances of selling your home

Issued By Private Property

Selling a home quickly and for the best possible price is what any property owner wants. However, there are many sellers that unintentionally make mistakes that sabotage their sale... read
CT property owners should prepare for upcoming property valuation
Earlier this year, Johannesburg residents voiced their outrage over property valuation increases... read
Confidence is returning to the Gauteng property market

Stuart Manning

The Monetary Policy Committee's decision to keep the repo rate unchanged at the current level of 6.50% (base home loan rate of 10%) was largely expected by the market... read
#MFGIndaba: Africa's opportunity to unlock industrial growth potential

Lauren Hartzenberg

Manufacturing Indaba 2018 promises to be bigger and more innovative than ever before, providing the broader manufacturing industry with a roadmap and the connections to unlock their growth potential and deliver accelerated GDP growth... read
Jobs offered
ANC NEC member Ronald Lamola wants to use his experience growing up on a farm to fight for the land ownership right...
RT @CapeTownEtc: Cape Town dams are slowly filling up again, levels rose to an impressive 24% this week. https://t....
RT @BusinessTechSA: How much it would cost to build your own home in South Africa right now
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