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BizToday's top stories
#AfricaMonth: The digital life expectancy of Africa's youth

Louise Marsland

Africa's new digitised youth population, Generation Z, will define Africa's digital future and these are the skills they will need to do

Banking & Finance
SA's first biometric ATM by FNB
FNB has launched a mini-ATM that uses biometrics as a means of validation for consumers, making it the first bank in South Africa to use this technology for everyday consumer banking... read
Commercial Property
Emira invests in fourth US shopping centre
JSE-listed REIT Emira Property Fund announced recently investment in its fourth shopping centre in the US... read
Mastercard, Pick n Pay launch Tap to Feed initiative
Mastercard, with Pick n Pay and FoodForward SA, has committed to donating 1.2-million meals to South Africans in need... read
Attention Android users! Be wary of malicious apps
According to Waspa, the ongoing shift to mobile and Android's open source appeal has seen increasing attacks on mobile users through malware and ransomware inadvertently downloaded at app stores... read
Pilot study to overcome cash constraints for entrepreneurs
Mastercard and Unilever break down barriers to growth for micro entrepreneurs with first-of-its-kind digital lending platform... read
Wine consumers can expect to pay more due to impending wine shortage
Vinpro's annual Wine Harvest Report 2018 shows that wine grape production is down nearly 15% compared to 2017 - this translates into 170 million litres less wine produced in 2018... read
Millennials' premium palate driving a shift in the wine market
The wine consumer has evolved over the years. Wine producers are no longer able to rest on their laurels and expect the same wines to remain popular for years to come... read
Going beyond farm-to-fork to encourage healthier food systems
The world's trade and regulation rulebook needs a reboot in order to bolster trade in food that is healthy and nutritious rather than simply cheap. "To assure that future food systems will provide healthy food for all people we'll need a big change." read
#AfricaMonth: The power of smart technology in Africa

Greg Morris

People across Africa face considerable challenges - many of them existential. But, without the right devices, connectivity, and skills, those who badly need their problems solved often can't access available solutions... read
#NewCampaign: Gimme a #HopeJoanna campaign

Jessica Tennant

Grid Worldwide, in association with a number of other companies, launched its #HopeJoanna campaign on Freedom Day (Friday, 27 April), highlighting the highs and lows of the past 30 years in an effort to convey a message of hope and a sense of optimism to all South Africans. In the words of Clinton Bridgeford, ECD at Grid Worldwide, it's a reminder to all South Africans that our hard-won freedom needs to be cherished and built on... read
Classy magnificence of Clos Malverne's winter lifestyle package

Leigh Andrews

Passing landmarks as scenic as they sound - hello, Vineyard Lake - a stay at Clos Malverne in Devon Valley, Stellenbosch is the winter break you're dreaming of. The working farm is down -to-earth and charming, with a tangible sense of relaxation everywhere. And the food - my goodness, the food... read
Harry S Truman
"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."

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Jobs offered
Exclusive: China ramps up checks on U.S. pork imports in potentially costly slowdown
RT @AlibabaGroup: Alibaba acquires South Asia e-commerce platform Daraz.
Google's AI will book your table, write your emails, teach your kids manners
RT @Vinpro_za: Want to know what #Harvest2018 was like in each region? Download the official SA WINE HARVEST REPORT 2018 here - https://t.c...
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New events to diarise
Introduction to dressmaking short course
Vega School - 15 May 2018 to 21 Aug 2018, Johannesburg | 20 Jun 2018 to 8 Sep 2018, Durban | 23 Jun 2018 to 29 Sep 2018, Johannesburg | 8 Sep 2018 to 24 Nov 2018, Pretoria

Sales Summit
CADEK Media - 29 May 2018, Sandton

Short Course in Customer Service Excellence
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 25 Jun 2018 to 27 Jun 2018, Pretoria

Connect Fashion Africa
Haute Africa - 7 Jul 2018, Johannesburg

New Urban Tribes // 2018 edition - Consciously Diverse
Flux Trends - 10 May 2018, Cape Town

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