21 Apr 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Today's top stories
Money is tight but alcohol and coffee sales are cooking
[Colleen Goko] Times may be tough, but South Africans are not giving up their morning takeaway coffee fix or their after-work tipple... read

ESD facilitates smoother sales to channel partners

Anton Vukic

Electronic software distribution (ESD) has seen significant growth over the past few years, and the channel, in particular, is increasingly using this delivery mechanism in order to improve efficiencies and reduce costs... read
10 great merchant account providers (that aren't PayPal and Google Wallet)

Tiffany Rowe

When your e-commerce dreams are new and you aren't yet sure how to run an online store, it makes sense that you would use the most popular online payment services providers on the web. Indeed, Paypal and Google Wallet offer some interesting and exciting merchant services when you have no clue what you need or how you want your shop to function... read
No Africa plans at Astrapak

Fifi Peters

Astrapak, a manufacturer of plastic packaging material, has no immediate plans to enter other African economies, despite tough operating conditions in SA... read
Cash and carry shops non-compliant with SARS regulations
The South African Revenue Service (Sars) has done over 100 inspections of "cash and carry" businesses in Gauteng in the past month, it said in a statement on Wednesday... read
Clover changes low-fat milk to comply with new legislation
In keeping with its Clover's 'Way Better' promise and in line with the R260: Agricultural Product Standards Act passed by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Clover will be implementing a change to the fat content of its low-fat milk variant... read
Coca-Cola sales fall on strong dollar, weak Europe demand

Yashaswini Swamynathan

BENGALURU - Coca-Cola's sales fell for the fourth straight quarter as demand for its fizzy drinks declined in Europe and a strong dollar eroded the value of sales in markets outside the US, including Latin America... read
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New events to diarise
Power of positive selling
Niche Training and Development - 12 Jul 2015, Cape Town | 7 Jul 2016, Port Elizabeth | 14 Jul 2016, Johannesburg | 10 Oct 2016, Port Elizabeth | 8 Nov 2016, Bloemfontein | 9 Nov 2016, Durban | 15 Nov 2016, Cape Town | 17 Nov 2016, Johannesburg

Marketing your business for success
Upbeat Marketing (Pty) Ltd - 25 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Sales and negotiation
Profit Re-Engineering - 4 May 2016 to 5 May 2016, Johannesburg | 18 May 2016 to 19 May 2016, Cape Town | 1 Jun 2016 to 2 Jun 2016, Durban | 22 Jun 2016 to 23 Jun 2016, Johannesburg

TCI Mobile Summit 2016
Trade Conferences International - 11 May 2016 to 12 May 2016, Johannesburg

Short Course in Customer Experience Practice
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 25 May 2016 to 27 May 2016, Johannesburg

Course in Customer Experience Management
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 7 Jun 2016 to 10 Jun 2016, Johannesburg

Brandlove customer journey design course
Brandlove - 16 Jun 2016 to 17 Jun 2016, Cape Town | 7 Jul 2016 to 8 Jul 2016, Johannesburg

Commercial Equipment Africa Exhibition 2016
Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group - 5 Aug 2016 to 7 Aug 2016, Johannesburg

China Homelife Fair
31 Aug 2016 to 2 Sep 2016, Johannesburg

Cape HOMEMAKERS Expo 2016
Cape Homemakers Expo - 15 Sep 2016 to 18 Sep 2016, Cape Town

Michael Jordan
"Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation."

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Forget the High Street - microtowns are where the retail action now is https://t.co/oLpN9Rw8x5 - Thu Apr 21
Euro retailer 'reveals' Huawei P9 Lite before announcement [pics] via gearburn https://t.co/U6vGXpMLVo - Thu Apr 21
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