6 Apr 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Today's top stories
Orange acquires a €75m equity interest in Africa Internet Group
Orange has acquired a 75 million euro equity interest in the Africa Internet Group, joining AXA, Goldman Sachs and long-standing investors MTN Group, Millicom and Rocket Internet... read

Banking & Finance
King Pie struggles to retain market share

Coleen Goko

Less than 10 years ago, King Pie was one of the more popular fast food outlets in SA... read
SA online retail to pass 1% of total retail in 2016, report finds
For the first time since the dawn of e-commerce in South Africa, online retail in this country will reach 1% of overall retail during 2016. This is the most significant finding of the Online Retail in South Africa 2016 report, released recently by World Wide Worx... read
Supply shortages set to trigger rise in the price of milk
As consumers continue to grapple with high food prices triggered by the recent drought and the ailing economy, milk will soon be added to their list of costly staple foods... read
Shipping & Transport
New container weight regulations have safety in mind

Nompumelelo Magwaza

DURBAN - Shipping companies will in future have to adhere to strict international weight verification regulations for containers in an effort to prevent accidents... read
Ailing e-commerce site Groupon gets $250m infusion
WASHINGTON - Groupon, the daily deals e-commerce operator which has been struggling since a hot public share offering, said Monday it received a $250 million investment from a private investment fund... read
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New events to diarise
Supervision skills - SETA accredited
BDCE - 12 Apr 2016 to 14 Apr 2016, Pretoria | 18 Apr 2016 to 20 Apr 2016, Durban | 18 Apr 2016 to 20 Apr 2016, Bloemfontein

Selling skills
BDCE Pty Ltd - 12 Apr 2016, Pretoria | 25 Apr 2016, Durban | 25 Apr 2016, Bloemfontein

Geomarketing Conference 2016
Trade Conferences International - 13 Apr 2016 to 14 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Client service/customer care
BDCE Pty Ltd - 14 Apr 2016, Pretoria | 17 May 2016, Durban | 17 May 2016, Bloemfontein

PFMA supply chain management bid adjudication comm
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 18 Apr 2016 to 20 Apr 2016, Pretoria

Africa strategic sourcing and sustainability in procurement and supply chain management
Global Invest Group - 20 Apr 2016 to 21 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

Brandlove customer experience foundation course
Brandlove - 26 May 2016 to 27 May 2016, Cape Town | 21 Jul 2016 to 22 Jul 2016, Johannesburg

Nanoseconds Crisis Management
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 2 Jun 2016 to 3 Jun 2016, Johannesburg

Brandlove customer journey design course
Brandlove - 16 Jun 2016 to 17 Jun 2016, Cape Town | 7 Jul 2016 to 8 Jul 2016, Johannesburg

African Stomach Trade Industry Conference 2016
Ntsiki Business and IT International (Paty) Ltd. - 5 Aug 2016, Cape Town

Upcoming events
Supervisory development
AO Development - 7 Apr 2016 to 8 Apr 2016, Johannesburg

The Power Series Business Breakfast - Exceptional Customer Service
Niche Training - 7 Apr 2016, Johannesburg | 8 Apr 2016, Cape Town

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RT @GMA: Very cool! Grocery store creates massive 'Super Mario Bros' display from soda boxes: https://t.co/NaqtVomgia https://t.co/AOfbyjxm... - Wed Apr 06
Walmart says it will switch to selling cage-free eggs only by 2025 https://t.co/oUyHzbTHGR https://t.co/3cFcf63xvc - Wed Apr 06
RT @GregBensinger: Fun fact: Amazon's Bezos has had the same salary ($81,840) since 1998 when he gave himself a raise from $79,197 - Wed Apr 06
Retail giant launches dedicated travel website as part of loyalty scheme https://t.co/SCTejgzM1q https://t.co/TJG1G1s4z0 - Wed Apr 06
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