2 Feb 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Today's top stories
Game, set, Brand Match!
[Leigh Andrews] Adrian Naude, Pick n Pay's marketing director, explains why John Robbie was selected as a specific ambassador to investigate the efficacy of the 'Brand Match' promise... read

Banking & Finance
Milk glut sees cut in price and earnings

Fifi Peters

The current oversupply of milk is good news for consumers, who can expect to pay lower prices, but not for shareholders of Clover Industries, SA's biggest milk producer... read
Pick n Pay supports drought relief fund
Pick n Pay has announced the donation of R500,000 through different initiatives to provide respite for communities in South Africa's drought-stricken areas... read
E-commerce Africa Confex aims to double in size, reflect industry growth
E-commerce Africa Confex is aiming to reflect the growth of the global industry and is aiming to be twice as big as it was during its inaugural 2015 event... read
Growth at risk as factories stuck in rut

Ntsakisi Maswanganyi

SA's manufacturing sector is stuck in a quagmire and will drag economic growth even lower... read
Manufacturing PMI tumbles in January
The manufacturing sector started 2016 on the back foot as the seasonally adjusted Barclays purchasing managers index (PMI) fell two index points to 43.5 in January... read
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Short course in fleet management
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 10 Feb 2016 to 12 Feb 2016, Pretoria

Sales and negotiation
Profit Re-Engineering - 17 Feb 2016 to 18 Feb 2016, Johannesburg | 22 Feb 2016 to 23 Feb 2016, Durban | 25 Feb 2016 to 26 Feb 2016, Cape Town

Mobile Loyalty Programmes Summit
Mogorosi Communications Consultancy - 25 Feb 2016 to 26 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Brandlove customer experience foundation course
Brandlove - 25 Feb 2016 to 26 Feb 2016, Sandton | 26 May 2016 to 27 May 2016, Cape Town

Hands-on supply chain management
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 29 Feb 2016 to 4 Mar 2016, Pretoria

Course in customer experience management
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 8 Mar 2016 to 11 Mar 2016, Kyalami, Johannesburg

Loyalty and Rewards Conference 2016
Trade Conferences International - 16 Mar 2016 to 17 Mar 2016, Johannesburg

Retail Fraud - Cape Town
Retail Knowledge - 17 Mar 2016, Cape Town

Mastering sales and marketing in the age of new social media
NES Consulting - 20 Apr 2016 to 22 Apr 2016, Johannesburg | 25 May 2016 to 27 May 2016, Cape Town

Advanced programme in supply chain management
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 30 May 2016 to 30 Sep 2016, Pretoria

Upcoming events
GIBS economic outlook 2016
GIBS - 3 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Florence Musengi's Women At The Top launch
Business Engage - 4 Feb 2016, Kyalami

South Africa Forex Expo
Savannah Services - 5 Feb 2016 to 6 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Anaïs Nin
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion with one's courage."

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Capturing Consumers' Ever-So-wandering Attention - Yahoo Finance UK https://t.co/J5OqipE4El via @YahooFinanceUK - Tue Feb 02
Top story | Growth at risk as factories stuck in rut https://t.co/nO9JTaGxAD @NtsakisiMaswang reports https://t.co/nxMqflnR7E - Tue Feb 02
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