27 Jan 2016Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Today's top stories
Diversity is AVI's strength as profit weathers storms
[Fifi Peters] Consumer brands group AVI is set to report consistent profit growth in the first half of its financial year, despite the marked deterioration in the economy and household spending over the period... read

Banking & Finance
Transpaco forecasts strong second-half earnings
Want to increase sales in 2016?

Abhishek Agarwal

Here are 5 m-commerce strategies you can't ignore... read
Driving greener this year: Save the environment and save on your pocket

Issued by Tiger Wheel & Tyre

Tiger Wheel & Tyre and Master Drive encourage motorists to visit some of the key benefits of eco-driving: using their vehicle in an environmentally efficient way to improve road safety, reduce fuel consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions... read
Ellies set to benefit from switching its focus outside SA

Thabiso Mochiko

The sharp decline in the rand is likely to boost Ellies' manufacturing business, which is focusing on markets outside SA... read
BMi Research report shows decreased growth rate for flavoured alcoholic beverages
Recent findings release by BMi Research have revealed that the flavoured alcoholic beverage category has continued to grow for the past three years, although at a decreasing rate... read
Apple's iPhone joyride ends
SAN FRANCISCO - Apple on Tuesday forecast a sales decline for the first time in more than a decade, adding to evidence that the market for smartphones is becoming saturated and threatening the company's unprecedented run of success... read
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New events to diarise
GIBS economic outlook 2016
GIBS - 3 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Sales and negotiation
Profit Re-Engineering - 17 Feb 2016 to 18 Feb 2016, Johannesburg | 22 Feb 2016 to 23 Feb 2016, Durban | 25 Feb 2016 to 26 Feb 2016, Cape Town

Mobile Loyalty Programmes Summit
Mogorosi Communications Consultancy - 25 Feb 2016 to 26 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Brandlove customer experience foundation course
Brandlove - 25 Feb 2016 to 26 Feb 2016, Sandton | 26 May 2016 to 27 May 2016, Cape Town

Hands-on supply chain management
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 29 Feb 2016 to 4 Mar 2016, Pretoria

Brandlove customer journey design course
Brandlove - 10 Mar 2016 to 11 Mar 2016, Sandton | 16 Jun 2016 to 17 Jun 2016, Cape Town

Short course in customer experience practice
Enterprises University of Pretoria - 16 Mar 2016 to 18 Mar 2016, Pretoria

Retail Fraud - Cape Town
Retail Knowledge - 17 Mar 2016, Cape Town

Advanced programme in supply chain management
Enterprises at University of Pretoria - 30 May 2016 to 30 Sep 2016, Pretoria

African Stomach Trade Industry Conference 2016
Ntsiki Business and IT International (Paty) Ltd. - 5 Aug 2016, Cape Town

Upcoming events
Summer Sidewalk Sale
Killarney Mall - 29 Jan 2016 to 7 Feb 2016, Johannesburg

Margaret Thatcher
"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."

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Virtual Reality And Robots Head For Stockholm In Latest Fashion Week Technology Integration via @forbes https://t.co/xwqX7fmsNq - Wed Jan 27
Apple's 'biggest quarter ever' driven by record sales of iPhone, Watch and TV https://t.co/e01VbcwHNz - Wed Jan 27
Apple sees first sales dip in a decade https://t.co/6bIlYxdSSi - Wed Jan 27
BREAKING NEWS: Domestic cleaning startup SweepSouth sweeps in R10m via ventureburn https://t.co/oCBU8mDGFp - Wed Jan 27
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