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Marketing & Media South Africa

Spring into the Equinox by testing out the new Bizcommunity interface

Exciting news: We have a new navigational interface as of today, designed to enhance Bizcommunity's unique brand offerings. There's a full list of new features for you to test drive, get cracking!

Danette Breitenbach kicks things off with feedback on last week's Biz Trends Imbizo, which featured trend talks a la TEDx style from leaders in the advertising, branding and marketing communication industry.

This week we also look at the importance of visual content in marketing, with Charles Mburugu asserting that content is definitely king when it comes to online marketing, and visual content at the top of the list. That's because the right kind of visuals will drive more traffic to your blog or site, and enhance the chances of your content being shared - especially as social media has gone visual and there are correlations between visuals, learning and colour.

Sticking to the theme of making good business sense, in Douglas Kruger's next instalment on how to be relentlessly relevant, we learn how to innovate in a business - go beyond the typical brainstorm by imposing limitations or strict parameters on the process. That way, you'll get richer thought offerings as difficulty is one of the birth-places of innovation.

Comment online in our ed's column archive. Go mobile with apps and m.bizcommunity.com. Engage with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Subscribe to YouTube and via RSS. Send all your African marketing and media news and event invitations to africanews@bizcommunity.com, exclusive opinion pieces to contributors-africa@bizcommunity.com and international news to internationalnews@bizcommunity.com. Read "How to contribute to Biz, from op-ed pieces to news".

Today's top stories
Spring Equinox heralds Bizcommunity's new interface
[Issued by Bizcommunity.com] Celebrated in many cultures as the Spring Equinox, 21 September marks the turning of the seasons in the southern hemisphere. Today it also marks new beginnings for Bizcommunity's navigation interface... read more>>

Cloudy, the future is

Danette Breitenbach

Knowledge of trends, tracking and following them is what will give you the edge in your business...


The importance of visual content in marketing

Charles Mburugu

When it comes to online marketing, content is king. This is especially the case for visual content. Using the right kind of visuals will drive more traffic to your blog or site, and enhance the chances of your content being shared...


[Relentlessly Relevant] 3. How to innovate - strip them down, tie their ankles, make them run

Douglas Kruger

Here is a curious thing about human thought and creative processes: If you apply no rules whatsoever, you will tend to get poor results. Present your people with a 'white page' and they generally won't know what to do with it...


Marketing & Media
POPI business myths popped

Leigh Andrews

Worried about compliance issues once the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act comes into effect? Don't be. Wayne Clarke, Managing Director of Metrofile Records Management shares some tips you can implement today to turn POPI into a business opportunity... read
Biz Takeouts
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 149: Showmax and gaming on YouTube
On the latest Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show, host Warren Harding interviewed Richard Boorman and Grant Hinds... read
Ad-blockers and South African publishing

Grant Shippey, Issued by Amorphous

A report published by Adobe and PageFair indicates that ad-blocking software will lead to nearly $22-billion in lost advertising revenue in 2015, a 41% rise from 2014... read
Events & Conferencing
Inaugural reputation management conference in November in Cape Town
Reputation Matters will host its inaugural reputation management conference on 6 November 2015 in Cape Town. Featuring four local speakers and four international guests who will share reputation management best practices... read

Integrate technology into exhibition stands

Issued by SSQ Exhibitions

Question: What is the best way to blend fun and professionalism using your exhibition stands? The answer lies in the kind of technology that makes people reminisce about the movies and TV-games from their childhood... read
Online Media
Five simple ways content can help you convert visitors to customers

Jonha Richman

There are lots of online shopping platforms propping up by the day. But the challenge that remains for all of them is to convert the online visitors to actual buyers. The true secret is that often the most important things are behind the curtains... read
East Coast Radio's groundbreaking campaign a first for SA

Issued by East Coast Radio

With public donations drying up, The Association for the Aged had to make some tough calls. And make them quick. So TAFTA took the bold decision to pull print ad spend and invest entirely in radio instead... read
New generations, new retail habits
People in South Africa are spending more time online and this leads to more online consumption and the rise of the online consumer. Younger generations are also more at ease with online retail... read
Innovative strategies fuel SA fast food industry growth

Issued by Insight Survey

The philosophical doctrine of 'change being the only constant', is wholly applicable to the South African fast food industry as stakeholders are forced to constantly craft competitive responses to capriciously fluid market dynamics. read
The Color Run SA commercialised by Brand inc's new sponsorship division: happiest sponsors on the planet

Issued by Brand inc

Launching its new sponsorship division with a bang, the Brand inc Creative Group has made the 'happiest 5k on the planet' even happier with the commercialisation and sponsor activation of The Color Run SA... read
International juries convene on three continents to judge 2015 Global Awards
The Global Awards, dedicated to excellence in healthcare and wellness communications on an international basis, have announced that the international healthcare and wellness agencies Ward6 Sydney, Publicis LifeBrands Resolute London and CAHG Chicago will host live Grand Jury judging sessions on behalf of the 2015 competition... read
New Irish advertising & marketing code
The Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland (ASAI) has issued a new Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications that go into effect in March 2016... read
More International
Episode 149: Everything you need to know about Showmax and Grant Hinds talks Youtube and marketing.
Episode 149: Everything you need to know about Showmax and Grant Hinds talks Youtube and marketing.
New business
  • Incredible Connection employs Fashion Media - more info
  • Red Carpet Concepts wins Lakeside Lodge and Spa account - more info
  • Maven Connection appointed as PR and comms consultant to Caltex EC Marketer

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Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Digital design and coding - mobile/tablet/desktop
AAA School of Advertising - 21 Sep 2015 to 18 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

Hippo School
Hippo Communications - 21 Sep 2015, Cape Town

iLead Training social media course
iLead Training - 28 Sep 2015 to 29 Sep 2015, Pretoria

Online advertising 101
Square Lime Business Solutions - 30 Sep 2015, Durban

Converting prospects into real customers
6 Oct 2015, Cape town | 8 Oct 2015, Johannesburg

What would happen if your sales increased by 20%?
Bryan Nkosinathi Knowledge (Pty) Ltd - 7 Oct 2015 to 8 Oct 2015, Johannesburg

Marketing professional and consulting services
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 9 Oct 2015, Johannesburg

The B2B marketing planning masterclass
Marketec Holdings - 22 Oct 2015, Johannesburg

The IMC Conference Johannesburg
IMC Conference - 2 Nov 2015 to 3 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

Marketing Analytics Conference 2015
Trade Conferences International - 4 Nov 2015 to 5 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

Upcoming events
Vila Kasi Expo Festival
Vilakasi Holdings (PTY) LTD - 24 Sep 2015 to 27 Sep 2015, Johannesburg

Practical advertising, marketing and media
NGOLA Consultancy ZA - 24 Sep 2015, Johannesburg

Noel Peebles
"What you choose to focus your mind on is critical, because you will become what you think about most of the time."

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Episode 149: Everything you need to know about Showmax and Grant Hinds talks Youtube and marketing.

The potential media value of excess stock - a case study via @TrinityP3 http://t.co/19IQu4L8sj - Mon Sep 21
Refrain from using jargon, it makes you an ineffective communicator. - Mon Sep 21
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