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Construction & Engineering

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Urban renewal: The physical manifestation of innovative thinking

Gil Sperling

A powerful lesson in how to turn vision into

Construction & Engineering
City of Cape Town tackles congestion issue with more roads
The City of Cape Town is in the process of constructing six more roads as part of its Congestion Management Programme... read
Architecture & Design
MAD reveals 2018 travel fellowship winners
MAD Architects has announced its travel fellowship winners for 2018. This ninth edition will support six architecture students from across the globe... read
Infrastructure & Utilities
First waste management report for Africa released
The United Nations Environment and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have released a report outlining the state of waste management in Africa... read
ASAQS in talks with government for greater support on large projects
In order to get stalled infrastructure development projects back on track, SA's quantity surveyors are aiming to play a more crucial role... read
Materials & Equipment
SA explores ways to save steel industry from collapse
Government is committed to work with the steel industry to save jobs... read
Sustainable Development
Government strikes a new deal for SA cities
The Integrated Urban Development Framework (IUDF) marks a "new deal" for South African cities and towns... read
New CTC Group complex takes shape on outskirts of corporate Khartoum district

Zainab Gaafar

All over the world corporate buildings are used to create a visual architectural statement as they represent the face of their business... read
Kanye West's new housing project, reviewed by a professor of urban design

Nick Dunn

There is a long history of patrons for architecture, who have ensured their legacy... read
Is a .com necessary? Why send domain fees overseas?
According to Lucky Masilela, CEO of ZA Central Registry NPC, there's a sense of renewal in the air and it's, therefore, the perfect time for SOEs to ditch the .com and revert to .za domains to show their commitment to building South Africa... read
Jobs offered
Osmotic power is taking advantage of the difference in salinity between the water of the rivers and that of the sea...
Chicago chooses Elon Musk's Boring Company for high-speed train connecting the Loop to O'Hare
The work of @StudioSwine seeks to achieve harmony between nature and industry. Watch their @design_commons talk:
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