8 Tips to avoid your Facebook page being deleted

Facebook is a powerful platform for marketing your business and to connect with customers. However, if Facebook decides to delete a business's page, the impact can be devastating.
Source © patrick de grijs  Tips to help keep your page active and in good standing with Facebook
Source © patrick de grijs 123rf Tips to help keep your page active and in good standing with Facebook

Therefore it is important to be aware of the rules and regulations so that you don't accidentally post something that could get your page deleted. Follow these tips to help keep your page active and in good standing with Facebook.

  1. Review Facebook's community standards

    Facebook's community standards are constantly evolving, so it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest changes. Make sure you understand what content is not allowed on Facebook, and avoid posting anything that could be interpreted as breaking the rules.

  2. Check your content

    Posts should not be too promotional, as this can look like spamming. Try to strike a balance between promoting your business and providing valuable content that your audience will engage with.

    Be aware of the tone of your posts. Facebook is cracking down on clickbait, so avoid using sensationalist headlines.

    Finally, check the images and videos you are sharing. Make sure they are not in violation of Facebook's Community Standards before posting them.

  3. Use page insights

    Page Insights is a powerful tool that can help you understand how people are interacting with your page. Use it to track engagement rates and identify any content that is not performing well. This will help you to improve your page and make sure that Facebook does not delete it.

  4. Monitor your Facebook page quality

    The Page Quality tab displays the nature of any problems affecting your page as well as a message that will be green, yellow, or red to advise you whether your page is in danger of being deleted (unpublished), at risk of being deleted, or all clear.

    Anyone who has a role on your Page can visit Page Quality.

    To see Page Quality for your Page:
    1. From your Feed, click Pages in the left menu. You may have to click See more first.
    2. Go to your Page and click Page Quality in the left menu.

  5. Use Facebook's free music libraries

    One of the most common types of violations we find is copyright music being used in videos. Even though our clients have paid for the content, Facebook copyright AI regularly flags and sometimes removes content until an appeal is launched. If too many warning notifications are recorded within a short period, it may result in a page being restricted.

    We propose using Facebook's free music libraries for music in video projects as a remedy. Do not use any video footage with copyrighted music or music playing in the background if you do not have explicit permission from the copyright holder.

    For example, cell phone videos taken of the office with someone playing music in the background or a video of your staff dancing to the latest internet dances frequently have copyright issues caused by the music in the background.

  6. Subscribe to a social media oversight service

    If you are worried about your page being deleted, you can subscribe to a social media oversight service. These services will monitor your page and send you an alert if there is any activity that could lead to it being deleted. This will give you a chance to take action before it is too late.

  7. Post regularly

    One of the best ways to prevent your page from being deleted is to post regularly. This shows Facebook that your page is active and engaging, and it will be less likely to delete it. Aim to post at least once a day, but more often if you can.

  8. Be cautious about 3rd party applications

    Third-party applications can be a great way to add extra features to your page, but they can also cause problems. Ensure you only install apps from trusted sources and check the permissions before installing them. If an app is asking for too much access, it could be a sign that it is not safe.

About JG Bezuidenhout

JG Bezuidenhout is a founding partner of the South African subsidiary of Offernet.net, the data technology company housed in London, United Kingdom. Although based in Cape Town, JG is the global head of Offernet's advisory and innovation hub and, as such, is responsible for the monitoring and implementation of cutting-edge solutions, particularly within the digital marketing environment.
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