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Provantage reveals valuable airport insights and research

One of the continent's leading out-of-home companies, Provantage, shares valuable insights and research results from a study conducted on their platform, a fully-fledged television channel which airs in all nine ACSA airports across South Africa.
Provantage reveals valuable airport insights and research

Launched in 2012 by Provantage, the dynamic media platform provides brands the opportunity to showcase their offerings to a very specific, highly sought-after audience - travellers and meeters and greeters in the LSM 7 to 10 bracket. screens are present in all nine ACSA airports and thus allow brands to engage with technologically savvy consumers. Now, Provantage offers the added insight of research and key learnings regarding the platform from an in-depth survey conducted by Millward Brown.

The survey was conducted by Provantage and Millward Brown during December 2012 on advertisements that ran in November 2012. The research objective was to measure overall market effectiveness of advertising by measuring how well advertisements were remembered and recalled. The results were insightful and remarkable and illustrated the effectiveness of the platform. The survey confirmed that advertising relevant brands to a captive audience in the airport space brings about extremely high recall.

Provantage reveals valuable airport insights and research

Advertising categories included cars, electronics, alcoholic beverages, insurance, airlines, government affairs, banking, tourism, cars, telecommunications, Information Technology and software - items and services that appeal to the target market.

76% of consumers took out the key message

Of those who verified seeing an advertisement on, 76% took out the key message - an extremely high percentage. Furthermore, those who recalled an advertisement attributed an average liking score of 7.13 out of a possible 10. Liking an advertisement hugely improves recall and, in turn, word of mouth which is a powerful process for brand enhancement.

General Findings of Advertisements

The holiday season created a highly cluttered environment across all media channels, yet spontaneous recall of 67% of brands on Provantage's was achieved. When consumers were prompted recall was increased, with all brands being remembered. This is turn created an excellent return on investment.

Interesting Finds

Telecommunications advertisements that were retail specific achieved higher awareness than other brands. With December being peak festive season, there is a tendency for brands to shift their focus to retail deals.

The high end car category performed well above the average on all measures, demonstrating that the environment is ideal for advertising luxury products.

Advertisements with animation and movement received higher recall and evoked more enjoyment from viewers than those with less liveliness.

With regards to grudge purchase products, the research demonstrated that the advertisements needed to be engaging and relevant to consumers. Moreover, the incorporation of a compelling creative that grabs attention, coupled with a strong reason to believe, would grow awareness for these brands.

What drives strong persuasion in the airport environment, with its captive LSM A audience?
Provantage's research and insights revealed the following:

  • Simple storyline

  • New information presented in a compelling way

  • Demonstration of the product, such as product composition, consumption and demonstration shots

  • Strong rational message underpinned with emotion

  • Use of established branding devices or cues

  • Consumer testimonials and children

  • Fun, light-hearted humour

For more information on and Airport Insight & Research please contact Mzi Deliwe on 0861 776 826 or az.oc.sda-tropria@izm or go to

Follow us on twitter: @ProvantageSA

15 Apr 2013 11:40
