4 Oct 2016 Contact us Submit news Advertise on biz List your company Home
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Here's how drones will change cities
Here's how drones will change cities
[Antonios Tsourdos] Amazon has been busy testing out its new Prime Air initiative at a secret location in the English countryside... read
IT & Telecommunications
Cultivate a growth mindset to thrive in digital business
Cultivate a growth mindset to thrive in digital business

Lauren Hartzenberg

The future is uncertain. Business leaders need to understand that they will no longer have all the answers and can't relentlessly pursue one fixed direction... read
Marketing & Media
#AspirationsReport 2016: What South Africans really want
#AspirationsReport 2016: What South Africans really want

Leigh Andrews

The current South African aspiration crisis should come as no surprise, as consumers struggle daily with the reality of simply not being able to afford what we want. Here's what the UCT Unilever Institute's 18-month long countrywide research means for marketers... read
Property & Real Estate
What you need to know about subdivision, sectionalising of land
What you need to know about subdivision, sectionalising of land
Property subdivision is becoming increasingly commonplace, particularly in cities like Cape Town where development to meet the soaring demand for homes is severely curtailed by its topography... read
Kevin Hedderwick, Karen Short and Adrian Short.
Famous Brands acquires 49.9% stake in commercial catering company
Advancing the Famous Brands' strategy outlined in 2014... read

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