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Education & Training

BizTop stories
Global Entrepreneurship Summer School applications closing soon
Social impact enterprise LifeCo Unltd SA, in partnership with Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, is inviting entrepreneurially-minded university students to apply to the Global Entrepreneurship Summer
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Formal skills certification now available for taxi rank technicians
Formal skills certification now available for taxi rank technicians
Independent financer of minibus taxis, SA Taxi, has announced that it will be providing training for unqualified technicians currently repairing vehicles at taxi
Financial literacy challenge seeks creative education solutions
Financial literacy challenge seeks creative education solutions
The UWC FinLit Innovation Competition has been launched as a way to develop an inventive financial literacy programme designed by youth, for
NEF closing ceremony. Image supplied.
Next Einstein Forum awards high impact innovations
The Next Einstein Forum closed on a high, awarding high impact
Higher Education
Philanthropic funding to SA universities reach new highs
South African trusts, foundations, corporations and individuals are donating more to local universities than ever before - but the vast majority of funding is still being channelled to so-called traditional higher education institutions... read
How to bridge the lecturer-learner divide
South Africa's notoriously high drop-out rate among first year university students can be ascribed to a number of factors. One of these include a disconnect between lecturers and students... read
Primary & Secondary Education
Winners of #MySchool20 campaign announced
Marking its 20th anniversary in 2017, MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet launched its social media-driven #MySchool20 campaign. The 20 winning customers and their 20 favourite causes have now been announced... read
Pizza Hut changes pizza boxes into reading boxes
Pizza Hut is changing simple pizza boxes into 'red reading boxes' in Africa as part of its global initiative to get more of Africa's children reading... read
Advtech aquires Kenyan school group
JSE-listed, private education provider, Advtech Ltd continues its growth with the announcement of its further expansion into Kenya and Uganda... read
Should private schools be nationalised?

Jason Snyman

This isn't the first time that the entire destruction of our education system has been suggested. Should private schools be nationalised...? read
Skills Training
Jobs Fund and Sernick Group partners to support emerging farmers
The initiative is a comprehensive intervention in which emerging black farmers will be recruited, trained, capacitated and provided with supply opportunities through integration in Sernick's value chain... read
All business for Stellenbosch University in new e-learning partnership
Digital education provider, MasterStart, is partnering with the University of Stellenbosch Business School Executive Development (USB-ED) to produce a range of executive-oriented online short courses... read
Explore pixel art in this week's Activity of the Week. Use examples of #pixelart in Minecraft and classic 8-bit and...
In the battle of the sexes, who actually has the superior intellect?
Are the Nation's Report Card results in math and reading proof that the #commoncore was effective-or that it failed...
"Classroom unity is not impossible to achieve, and it is so worth pursuing." A teacher shares 5 strategies for over...
@News24 | Fake notice: Schools are not close, dept confirms
Dr. Esther Mahlangu capped at UJ
"I would like to challenge our nation's colleges & universities - including this community - to renew their civic m...
.@TeacherBeat: Teachers Living at School? That's Miami's Solution to Sky-High Housing Costs
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Jobs offered
Applications Administrator - Stellenbosch
Stellenbosch University currently seeks to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Applications Administrator (Ref. FAS/111/0318). Applications close 17 April 2018. Read more >>

Legal Advisor - Research Contracts - Stellenbosch
Stellenbosch University currently seeks to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Legal Advisor: Research Contracts (Ref. ANO.123/0318). Applications close 18 April 2018. Read more >>

Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer - Development Finance - Cape Town
Stellenbosch University currently seeks to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer: Development Finance (Ref. EBW04/121/0318). Applications close 30 April 2018. Read more >>

Quality Assurance Facilitator/Registrar/Student Liaison - Johannesburg
Quality Assurance Facilitator, Registrar and Student Liaison.

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