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Are TV presenting skills still relevant in the career space?

In this digital age, television presentation skills are in demand. Even if you aren't on a show, these skills can still hold you in good stead in the TV arena.
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How often do we see TV presenting anymore? Think about it. The traditional talking head figure has left our screens and in its place, we have characters and personas who take us on journeys to exotic lands.

The role of television presenters has been shaken up and turned on its head. In the era of storytelling that is more immersive than ever before, a presenter of a show is no longer just a figurehead, but an ambassador for a brand, a storyteller in character and somebody who truly lives and breathes the industry that they are in, in every sense of the word.

Having said this, does it mean that the need for TV presentation skills has diminished? Far from it. This is the era of storytelling that we live in. Never before has there been a greater need for content and stories that will touch lives and hearts. Not just in written or print media, but also by means of video and TV.

Why TV presenting skills are still relevant in the career space:

Sure, our historic understanding of TV presenting skills is one that is a bit more linear and defined. However even if that traditional sense of TV presenting has diminished, there are new opportunities that currently exist in industry that still make use of core TV presentation skills.

With the digital era currently booming, the market is ripe for a new and more decentralised approach to TV presenting. This is seen more and more at the level of new opportunities that are available for people to be vloggers, create reaction videos online and build their personal brands with moving video content.

Digital entrepreneurship has definitely become a thing in recent times. With this comes a wave of brand-builders who want to create content that matters, more specifically in the video space.

Part of that experience calls for being familiar with the basics of TV presenting skills.

Technical TV presenting skills:

Some of the basics of television presentation skills call for great attention to detail. In as much as there is an element of persona and charm to the job, you have to have the presence of mind to understand the technical nuts and bolts of how it works.

Ability to take direction: As a TV presenter you will need to place your trust in the hands of content producers and technical directors on a daily basis. The success of the shows that you present relies on your ability to envision and execute the brief.

Research and interviewing skills: As a presenter your first port of call is to present the show. However, if you would like to truly excel, nothing stops you from honing your research and interviewing skills. If you are given a script, you can learn more about your interviewee and the topic at hand.

Improvisation: Fact. Things will not always go according to the script. You will need to find ways to have the presence of mind and roll with the punches, while still remaining professional. Spend some time learning how to improvise.

Awareness of law: When you are in front of the camera any number of things could go wrong. There might be a slip of the tongue, a subject that comes up in which you may have to make a statement in an area that you do not feel confident about. Whatever the case is, it helps to be aware of the law and the rules and regulations that you are governed by when you present a show.

Basic Knowledge of Camera work and angles: Whether you are a presenter of a studio-based show or you are going out into the field, you will have to ‘make friends’ with the camera. Have some understanding of the basics of camerawork and lighting that you are working with and this will help you to be at ease and give off your best.

TV presentation skills also helps to build:

  • Self-confidence

  • Charisma

  • Charm

  • Self-awareness

  • A sense of timing

  • Intuitive understanding

The Low-Down on Video Terminology

For those who are keen on being a bit more expansive in their approach towards being a presenter, there are other options. Even if you are not planning on carving out a full-time job in TV presenting, it is definitely a skillset that you can absorb for later on in your career. In this case, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to enrol in a short course in TV presenting.

Many people are taking to blogging and more specifically vlogging as a means of self-expression and making money. One may argue that no experience is required for vlogging, however knowledge on presentation skills will make the world of difference in creating targeted content.

Vlogging tips- How to grow a vlog channel (7 tips)

If you are someone who is looking for a way into the television, broadcast or vlogging industry, consider that one of the first steps is to build a firm foundation. A good way in which to do so, is to learn some TV presentation skills and that will help you pave the way.

8 May 2018 11:40
