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Make 2018 the year of the #Professionista through part-time studies

Enriching yourself with skills in 2018 is vital for success. Here's how investing in learning through part-time study will inspire greater career growth.
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Image source: iStock

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." - Chinese Proverb

For years you may have been saying, ‘This year I will study’, but before you can do something about it you get caught up in the busyness of life and the year has gone by. This year I challenge you to make upskilling a priority. When you find ways to develop yourself professionally, it will lead you to personal growth and allow you to lead a fulfilling life.

When you study a course not only will it boost your knowledge but it will change your outlook as a specialist and inspire you to do more. Of course, with other commitments, not everyone can drop what they are doing and study full-time. However, this is no excuse because with part-time studies you can still get the educational development you need. Studying more within your field will reignite the passion you have for what you do. The specialty skills that you will learn, will allow you to be more innovative in your role.

If you have been contemplating studying a course but you are worried about how you will manage, then part-time studies may be the perfect plan for you. Let’s explore why.

The convenience of studying part-time

When you study part-time, you don’t have to attend classes during the day to get through your course contents. Part-time studies give you the suitability of studying at your own pace. For instance, you don’t have classes every day and you can enjoy evening or weekend lessons, at a quiet time.

Here are the significant benefits of pursuing your studies part-time:

  • Evening or weekend classes

  • Short courses with manageable course content

  • Flexibility; you can work and pursue other goals while you study

  • The programmes are affordable

  • You get to expand your skill-set

  • You obtain a qualification and you have better chances of being promoted and earning more

Why you should invest in upskilling

Image Source: iStock
Image Source: iStock

You may have been able to get your foot in the door through the qualification you have. However, it is important to know how to invest in your career for personal and professional fulfillment. This enables you to specialise in the areas needed for career advancement. Learning multiplies your potential and ability, which attracts more victories.

Let’s look at some of the dynamic ways that upskilling can lead to success:

  • You can use these skills to gain recognition in the workplace

  • Your expertise allows you to specialise in specific roles

  • You can take on new projects and excel in them

  • You add more value to your portfolio

  • Your skills and qualifications enhance your professional CV

  • Your ability allows you to gain the best opportunities in your industry

  • You have more options when choosing jobs and companies you want to work for

  • Your capability elevates you to become a top preference for companies in your field

  • You can partner with businesses and get paid for your expertise

  • You can pursue entrepreneurship and become successful

  • You enjoy a lucrative career path

  • Learn new trends in your field and gain advanced expertise

How Learning keeps you inspired

‘Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish’- Steve Jobs

Here are just some ways that investing in learning is beneficial to your personal and professional development:

  • It gives you confidence and an improved perspective

  • It enriches your insight and outlook on life

  • You have better understanding of the sector you are in

  • Your expertise and ability is heightened

  • You have access to employment opportunities and become successful

  • You can create a dynamic impact in your field

  • The knowledge inspires you to seek more and do more

  • You become more inventive and you contribute to the growth of the organisation that you are in

  • You can grow your family business

Learning enriches your value and allows you to perform exceptionally in your career.

What are some of the things you can do with your qualification?

The proficiencies that you learn when you study a new programme will inspire you to want more out of your life.

Here are some actionable ways in which you can use your new skills to progress in your career:

  • Propose new ideas you would like to implement

  • Request to take on roles that allow you to validate your skills

  • Volunteer to lead projects

  • Approach your leader on how you would like to grow professionally

  • Apply for the best jobs by establishing your academic capability and skills

  • Launch your business idea

Damelin Part-Time studies accommodates people who are looking to invest in their careers. As a professional, you can easily register for a part-time course to obtain a credible qualification and take your career to new heights.

This is the year to challenge yourself to pursue educational training as a worthy investment to help you accomplish this.

9 May 2018 13:03
