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Become part of the Damelin Correspondence College success story and pave your way to a prosperous future with high quality distance learning courses.

For over 40 years, Damelin Correspondence College South Africa has been helping thousands of people to reach their dreams by giving them access to quality distance learning courses.

Damelin Correspondence courses range from high school certificates to credentials from various professional institutes, as well as a wide range of other career development programmes. Damelin Correspondence College South Africa has a course to meet everyone's needs. Read more >>

Vision and Mission

Damelin Correspondence College offers high quality programmes that are recognised in the business world and provide learners with opportunities to advance their careers.


Damelin Correspondence College is Provisionally accredited by Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training, Umalusi Prov. Accr. No. FET 00475 PA.

Employers are required to quote this number in their claims to the Skills Levy Fund, for investing in their employee's education as set out in the Skills Development Act No 31, 2003.

Damelin Correspondence College is committed to ensuring compliance to criteria set by regulatory bodies.

Employer Credibility

Today's job market is highly competitive, particularly for young people who are looking for their first job. In this environment, the most valuable asset that a job-seeker can have is a relevant qualification from an acclaimed and respected institution. With over 40 years of experience in preparing students for employment, Damelin has an unrivalled reputation as an educational institution. Every employer knows and respects the calibre of Damelin graduates.

Advantages of Damelin Correspondence

Studying by correspondence has several advantages over the attendance of classes at a campus.


  • are able to register at any time of the year

  • are able to learn at home, according to a convenient schedule, without having to incur the cost and inconvenience of travelling to classes at fixed times

  • are able to continue to earn an income whilst studying outside of working hours at home

  • have access to highly qualified and experienced Damelin tutors who provide quick feedback via detailed comments on assignments

  • are able to engage with course material that has been split up into manageable units, logically sequenced, integrated into a sound learning process of introduction, reinforcement and review and interspersed with learner-centred exercises.