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Marketing & Media South Africa

Today's top stories

'Nice work, Nicework' on the Retroviral rebrand
[Leigh Andrews] It's a bold move for a brand-building company to go for a rebrand of its own. Retroviral agency founder Mike Sharman explains how they got it right by using Nicework agency... read more>>

Six traps that will lose you market share

Sid Peimer

In physics, the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - it can just change from one form to another. However...


[Orchids & Onions] One-of-a-kind feeling is a reason to smile

Brendan Seery

Launching as it did a bare fortnight after State of the Nation-induced depression descended like a dark cloud over the middle class, Santam's new ad about the "uniqueness" of South Africa was always going to be a risk...


Rich media: The new digital currency

Daniel Schmidt

Digital media is changing the way businesses inform their audiences. Rich media, the 'new kid on the block' in display advertising, has a big role to play in this regard...


BSK Marketing hosts PPC Stokvel Programme in Sebokeng

Issued by BSK Marketing

Stokvel members in the Sebokeng area interested in renovating or improving their homes received a special treat on 28 February at the Sol Tsotetsi Sport Centre. BSK Marketing hosted a special Stokvel Network Forum event... read more>>
Actual impact, not cost per thousand

Claudelle Naidoo

These days, consumers upload breaking news stories, videos and more online and make them viral before journalists even gets to them... read more>>
Challenges facing B2B enterprises

Mark Eardley

Differentiation: why it pays to be different... read more>>
New desktop website for OLX
The site has launched a new desktop website including added search function technology, additional categories, a unique 'Favourites' list, making buying far simpler, and a sleeker design... read more>>
Five digital video trends to keep an eye on in 2015
What's in store for digital video in 2015? The online video industry is like a supercar on a stretch of perfectly straight road without any speed limits... read more>>
Education & Training
Sid Peimer's 'Strategy in a Day'

Issued by Stratplanning

'Strategy in a Day' is a unique source of strategic planning insights for brand custodians. This one-day course, taking place in Johannesburg on 16 April, gives you deeper insight into strategic issues... read more>>
Events & Conferencing
That last 10% makes a corporate event succeed or fail

Issued by Chris Moerdyk

A successful corporate event basically depends on four things - the right target market, attention to detail, relevance and that last 10 per cent that is the difference between success and failure... read more>>
Battle of the Behemoths at Rand Show 2015

Issued by The Rand Show

Rand Show 2015 sees a host of top strength athletes compete in the Rand Show Strongest Man 2015 competition, a qualifying round for the title of SA's Strongest Man... read more>>
The impact of data

Jaco Pienaar

Mark Twain might have said that you get lies, damned lies, and statistics, but the new information age means more journalists are writing articles based on data than ever... read more>>
Chris Whitfield joins Tenfour Media

Issued by Tenfour

Chris Whitfield, the former editor of the Cape Times, the Cape Argus and the Weekend Argus, has launched a media consultancy with Cape Town publishers, Tenfour Media... read more>>
Desiree Oliphant appointed Account Director at Kagiso Media

Issued by Kagiso Media

Kagiso Media's new Account Director, Desiree Oliphant, worked across various divisions within radio and TV services at the SABC for 19 years and has extensive senior management experience... read more>>
Rand Daily Mail News Wire launching end of March
The Marketing Kraal drives awareness for Ashes to Ashes

Issued by The Marketing Kraal

Outdoor advertising and media company, the Marketing Kraal, is working with e.tv to drive awareness for their new telenovela, Ashes to Ashes... read more>>
PR & Communications
Two experts in different fields to speak at IPRA World Congress 2015
Join the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) and their official partner, the Public Relations Institute of South Africa (PRISA) in Johannesburg, South Africa, 27-29 September 2015... read more>>
Algoa Live concert rocks PE

Issued by Algoa FM

Algoa FM rocked the city of Nelson Mandela Bay when they pulled off their first music festival this weekend featuring seven of SA's top national acts... read more>>
You're hired! Now what?

Issued by Recruitgroup

Receiving that all important phone call telling you "you're hired" is probably one of the best phone calls you'll ever receive... read more>>
Finally, a trend-spotting report for South Africa, by South Africans

Remon Geyser, Issued by Springleap

Let's face it. Although we are one nation, we are also appropriately coined the "rainbow nation". Meaning that we have people and cultures in South Africa that are varied and unique... read more>>
Apple Watch may move the needle on wearable tech
SAN FRANCISCO, US: Apple launched its first new product category since 2010, with its smartwatch... read more>>
As hacking grows, biometric security gains momentum
WASHINGTON DC, US: With hackers seemingly running rampant online and millions of users compromised, efforts for stronger online identity protection - mainly using biometrics - are gaining momentum... read more>>
Lend me your ears... in a digitally distracting world
A global research study titled #ListenLearnLead, conducted by Accenture, finds listening is more difficult in today's digital workplace... read more>>
CLIO Healthcare Awards open for entries
More International
African tourism acts to shake off Ebola stigma
BERLIN, GERMANY: The impact of the deadly Ebola virus fell mainly on three African countries but tourism has taken a hit across the continent of more than 50 nations as fear has kept many visitors away, tourism chiefs say... read more>>
Al Jazeera slams trial delay
CAIRO, EGYPT: Al Jazeera has slammed the second delay in the trial of its two remaining journalists still in custody in the Egyptian capital... read more>>
More Africa
Government news
Port Ngqura creates jobs
The Port of Ngqura has managed to create over 800 permanent jobs in the Eastern Cape, Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown said on Monday... read more>>
Young money - a view from the youth

Mbongeleni Hlomuka

Shortly after the delivery of the 2015 budget speech by Finance Minister Nene, I attended quite an interesting session hosted by one of the most informative TV channels in our continent known as CNBC Africa. This forum was meant to examine the youth's perspective regarding the speech... read more>>
Coega to commission EIA for aeronautical industrial cluster project
SCA clarifies relationship between VAT vendor and SARS

Graeme Palmer

More Government news
People on the move
  • Managing director global business development appointed for Ogilvy PR - more info
  • New business director of Saints Branding - more info
  • Atmosphere Communications appoints new director - more info

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Jobs offered
Account Manager - Cape Town
Wynberg - Cape Town. Temporary account manager - four months to work on alcohol, furniture, toiletries and education brands in a busy, productive office. Read more >>

Social Media and Community Manager - Cape Town
Creative digital and PR agency in need of strategic copywriter for social media and community management. Needs to have agency experience and a passion for digital communication. Read more >>

Project Manager - Cape Town
You're passionate about design and love to see great work being implemented and delivered through your effective project management skills. Your make it happen attitude is an inspiration. Read more >>

Digital Account Executive - Johannesburg
Mark 1 is a technology-driven and creatively focused digital media business. We are hiring an RTB account manager to join their programmatic ad operations team. Read more >>

Designer - Publications - Cape Town
Design studio in Cape Town, southern suburbs, specialising in publication design and production solutions for almost 20 years is looking for an experienced creative publishing designer to join the team. Read more >>

New events to diarise
Design for digital media - 17 Mar 2015 to 7 Jul 2015, Johannesburg
The course covers principles of designing for interaction and behaviour, teaches specific processes and methods, as well as grant an understanding of channels and mediums in which digital design lives. Read more >>

Social media communications management - 19 Mar 2015 to 4 Jun 2015, Johannesburg
The course is perfect for anyone interested in online reputation management, or anyone involved in managing the social profile of a brand, be it a company or a personal project. Read more >>

Power of video in the PR mix
PRISA - 19 Mar 2015, Randburg, Johannesburg

Master the art of social media marketing
Lumico - 25 Mar 2015, Cape Town

Event Management Summit
Africa Events Management - 25 Mar 2015 to 27 Mar 2015, Harare

Public Relations boot camp
Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Business - 26 Mar 2015, Pietermaritzburg

Start-Up Breakfast Club
Entrepreneur Traction - 26 Mar 2015, Cape Town

How to market your consulting practice
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 1 Apr 2015, Johannesburg

Stakeholder reputation management
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 9 Apr 2015 to 10 Apr 2015, Johannesburg

Startup Picnic Johannesburg
Startup Picnic - 25 Apr 2015, Johannesburg

Upcoming events
Customer Experience World Johannesburg - 11 Mar 2015, Sandton, Johannesburg
Customer Experience 2.0: The Next Chapter in Customer Experience Innovation - will your organisation be an innovator or a laggard business? Read more >>

Marketing In The Digital Era Conference - 11 Mar 2015 to 12 Mar 2015, Johannesburg
This exciting event will offer fresh insights and tactics on how to thrive in the digital landscape and build real relationships with today's empowered customers. Read more >>

#SpeakSocial - Social media marketing course
DigitLab - 11 Mar 2015, Durban

Emotive Branding and 23plusone
12 Mar 2015, Johannesburg

#HRTech Tank Cape Town
African Heart Celtic Soul - 12 Mar 2015, Cape Town

Principles of design and layout
PRISA - 12 Mar 2015 to 13 Mar 2015, Johannesburg, Randburg

Graphic and web design workshops
Multidimensions - 12 Mar 2015 to 27 Mar 2015, Johannesburg

Geoff Colvin
"What you really believe about the source of great performance thus becomes the foundation of all you will ever achieve."

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"We truly believe #design is about collaboration" - See the work of Studio @formafantasma: http://t.co/Rwvu7lHls4 http://t.co/nfI0icjB9q - Tue Mar 10
The 29 Most Common Social Media Rules: Which Ones Are Real? Which Ones Are Breakable? http://t.co/uR9j08W5dB - Tue Mar 10
The Apple Watch compared to the competition http://t.co/hPZMR3Z8gl - Tue Mar 10
8 Tips to Help Marketers Conquer the YouTube Analytics Dashboard http://t.co/agOzWHzkCn - Tue Mar 10
How Do You Google? New Eye Tracking Study Reveals Huge Changes. | how interesting. http://t.co/sJifknzzBb - Tue Mar 10
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