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#BudgetSpeech2017: Striking the right balance
#BudgetSpeech2017: Striking the right balance
[Kenneth Creamer] Gordhan understands that fiscal rectitude is necessary for the growth and transformation of South Africa's economy... read
Marketing & Media
D&AD Pencils.
The value of a pencil

Damon Stapleton

I apologise in advance for the unnecessary use of nostalgia and being a little romantic about it all. Actually, I don't... read
CSI & Sustainability
Empowerment is not just whitewashing
Empowerment is not just whitewashing

Stacey Davidson

In 2015 the Department of Trade and Industry announced amendments to the broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) codes. As much as BEE has been a part of the business language for about 13 years, these latest changes reflect that government views business ownership as an integral element to transform the South African economy... read
Could using stainless steel save SA millions in water losses?
Could using stainless steel save SA millions in water losses?
With South Africa experiencing stage two and three water restrictions following its worst drought in decades, the spotlight falls on how to reduce leakages and maintenance costs and preserve our already strained water resources into the long-term future... read
What you need to know about DDoS cyber attacks
What you need to know about DDoS cyber attacks
According to Arbor Networks' 12th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security report, the chances of organisations being hit by a DDoS attack have never been higher... read
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Photography Assistant - Cape Town
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Editorial Rugby Intern - Cape Town
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