28 Sep 2016 Contact us Submit news Advertise on biz List your company Home
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#InnovationMonth: Launch of SA's first 4DX campaign
#InnovationMonth: Launch of SA's first 4DX campaign
[Pasqua Heard] Nitesh Matai, general manager for Nu Metro Cinemas, explains the 4DX cinema experience and Justin Inglis, national sales manager for Popcorn Cinema Advertising, shares the backstory to the first 4DX commercial for the new Jaguar F-TYPE SVR vehicle... read
CSI & Sustainability
'Free' higher education: unrealistic expectations, unsustainable solutions
'Free' higher education: unrealistic expectations, unsustainable solutions

Damtew Teferra

Free higher education is a myth... read
Finance & Insurance
Yahoo breach highlights the need for cyber insurance
Yahoo breach highlights the need for cyber insurance
Yahoo's cyber attack highlights the liability companies face in safeguarding their clients' personal information... read
IT & Telecommunications
#GartnerSYM: Aspiring African innovators to watch
#GartnerSYM: Aspiring African innovators to watch

Lauren Hartzenberg

The Gartner Aspiring Innovators programme has for a second year identified early-stage tech startups from the African continent... read
Property & Real Estate
SA returns to stable rental growth - PayProp Rental Index
SA returns to stable rental growth - PayProp Rental Index
The average South African rental for Q2 2016 was R6,570.50, a 6.4% increase from the same period in 2015, according to the quarterly PayProp Rental Index... read
The mystery of the SA mass market
The mystery of the SA mass market

Issued by Surveway

There is mystery surrounding the mass market, and very few people understand the complexities and how this market has changed over the last 10 years... read

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