Executive leadership municipal development programme

Upcoming course.

The Executive Leadership Municipal Development Programme provides you with the fundamental background in order to better understand the management function of and intergovernmental relations applicable to Local Governments either in your role as municipal senior manager or leader. The programme is designed to ensure accelerated development of knowledge and skills required for the effective implementation of your municipality's vision and mission by focusing on how the South African government functions, how to effectively manage municipal finances, the theory and practice of municipal policy, political power as opposed to administrative functioning, as well as integrated development planning and municipal service provision.

Date: 03 February 2020 to 29 May 2020
Venue: Pretoria
Cost: R26,500
Enterprises University of Pretoria
Enterprises University of Pretoria
Having played a profound part in the history of South Africa for more than 100 years, the University of Pretoria boasts a lasting legacy that endures through a cluster of innovative and multidisciplinary services rendered through Enterprises University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd.

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