Module 2: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE)

The purpose of this course is for all clinical and non-clinical healthcare workers who provide AYFS services in the facility to learn how to be adolescent-friendly in their communication and behaviour.

After a detailed introduction to AYFS and SRH, the module will focus on clarifying the Adolescent Youth Health Policy (AYHP) and context-specific challenges of young people such as exploring their sexuality, gender-based violence and mental health.

Healthcare workers will also be enlightened about current best-practice interventions in youth clinics, namely, Youth Zones, Youth Clubs and B-Wise. The programme will conclude with a demonstration of the latest AYFS Assessment Tool to monitor the 10 AYFS Standards with other-related source documents.

Date: 24 April 2023
Venue: Pretoria
Cost: R 1150.00
Enterprises University of Pretoria
Enterprises University of Pretoria
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