Celebrating Emerging Management Development Programme delegates

Enterprises University of Pretoria (Enterprises UP) together with the University of Pretoria (UP), The National School of Government and South African National Parks (SANParks) recently honoured the delegates that successfully completed the Emerging Management Development Programme in a certification ceremony at the Saint George Hotel.
Special guests, course coordinator and the Emerging Management Development Programme 2018 delegates at the Saint George Hotel.
Special guests, course coordinator and the Emerging Management Development Programme 2018 delegates at the Saint George Hotel.

Dr Milly Palle, the Chief Director: Leadership Training at the National School of Government, welcomed the guests and congratulated the class of 2018. She wished the delegates all the best for the future, and encouraged them to open up to being more and doing more, and share what they have learned with others because that is the only away the next generation will learn.

As the ceremony continued, Ms Sophie Molokoane, Member of the SANParks Board delivered the keynote speech. “ I wish to tender my heartfelt congratulations to all 123 junior management staff who will be receiving certificates today, and for the work you have put in which has resulted in a successful completion of a beautiful journey,” said Ms Molokoane.

“This is an important milestone in your professional lives. You overcame all the stumbling blocks and fulfilled all the requirements and today as you receive your certificates, know that you are more empowered to fulfill your roles as managers and leaders at SANPark.”

Concluding the ceremony Mr Fundisile Mketeni, the Chief Executive Officer at SANPark expressed his pride at the delegates’ achievement and encouraged them to continue to study. According to Mr Mketeni, the ceremony is a clear indication that there are committed people at SANParks.

Congratulations to all the Emerging Management Development Programme delegates.

For inspiring insights from delegates who have completed the Emerging Management Development Programme, click here to view testimonies.

Visit our website to see more on our Public Service and Administration Short Courses. If you would like to get in touch for more information, you may send an email to az.ca.pu.sesirpretne@ofni.

Enterprises University of Pretoria
Enterprises University of Pretoria
Having played a profound part in the history of South Africa for more than 100 years, the University of Pretoria boasts a lasting legacy that endures through a cluster of innovative and multidisciplinary services rendered through Enterprises University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd.

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