Sign up for our webinar and find out how to create effective multichannel marketing campaigns

Consumers feel bombarded with content coming at them from more places than ever before. New research from Kantar Millward Brown's annual AdReaction study shares five principles to help brands create successful integrated and customised campaigns that will avoid the pitfalls of fragmentation and maximise media synergies across channels.
Sign up for our webinar and find out how to create effective multichannel marketing campaigns

Learn more about:

  • The global state of play for multichannel campaigns

  • Why integrated campaigns are more effective at building brands

  • The importance of customising content for each channel within a campaign

Our experts will discuss key challenges marketers face today and outline success factors to help you maximise synergies across channels and develop multichannel campaigns that drive brand growth.

Click here to register for one of our webinars in your time zone: Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th or Thursday 8th February.

Can’t make the webinar, sign up anyway to receive the recording after the webinar takes place!

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