POIB battle looms

NEWSWATCH: While the ANC has accepted the contentious Protection of State Information Bill (POIB), opposition parties are still not happy, reports The New Age.

For more:

  • The New Age: Showdown looms over Secrecy Bill... The ANC members on parliament's ad hoc committee, tasked with dealing with the POIB, are apparently quite happy with amendments made to it. And they would be, wouldn't they.

    Opposition parties are not happy, however, so get ready for a legal battle; don't be surprised if this Bill ends up in the Constitutional Court.

About Rod Baker

Rod Baker is Content Director at Bizcommunity.com. A journalist since before computers, he worked on a wide range of magazines and, in his youth, rose through the ranks from being a lowly and abused sub-editor, to a high and still abused editor and publisher. He has been editor and publisher of a number of magazines, as well as a newspaper. He has edited many books, and written a number too. Email him at rod@bizcommunity.com.
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