The show is hosted by radio and TV personality Aki Anastasiou, and is produced and edited by MyBroadband multimedia specialist Weich Malan.
It focuses on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on South African businesses, how it is changing the ICT environment, and what the future holds.
The first series include conversations with South Africa’s top business leaders, including:
- Montegray Capital founder Michael Jordaan
- Vodacom CEO Shameel Joosub
- Dimension Data founder Jeremy Ord
- EOH CEO Stephen van Coller
- Sygnia CEO Magda Wierzycka
- MTN SA CEO Godfrey Motsa
- Microsoft SA MD Lillian Barnard
- uAfrica CEO and Bidorbuy founder Andy Higgins
- Liquid Telecom SA CEO Reshaad Sha
- Afrihost CEO Gian Visser
- SqwidNet MD Phathizwe Malinga
- SAP Africa MD Cathy Smith
The interviews are conducted online and are published on three platforms to make it easy for people to consume – The What’s Next website, YouTube and Facebook.
The show has already provided to be a big success, with 59,972 views across these platforms in the first week - which translates into over 8,500 views per day.
New episodes are added regularly, with more interviews arriving the coming weeks.
For more information, visit: What’s Next with Aki Anastasiou.