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Source: Shell
#makethefuture campaign highlights cleaner energy innovations
An initiative to develop cleaner energy solutions and give budding energy start-ups a kickstart took place in Rio de Janeiro's Santa Marta... read
Building & Construction
ArcelorMittal paves way for R2.3bn BEE deal in SA
ArcelorMittal paves way for R2.3bn BEE deal in SA

Fifi Peters

Global steel giant ArcelorMittal has relinquished more than 15% ownership of its South African subsidiary, ArcelorMittal SA, to pave the way for a long-overdue black economic empowerment (BEE) transaction... read
IT & Telecommunications
Zinia's call to Government: empower municipalities now!
Zinia's call to Government: empower municipalities now!
Internet service provider Zinia has thrown down the gauntlet to the telecommunications industry and Government to take faster action... read
Marketing & Media
The Enovation team.
#InnovationMonth: The essence of digital marketing Enovation

Leigh Andrews

Picture a marketing team of five, all extreme coffee addicts under the age of 25. Imagine the implications of harnessing all that innate digital know-how. That's Enovation. Find out about their plans to take over the world, despite a saturated digital market... read
Property & Real Estate
Anne Porter, chairman of Knight Frank Residential South Africa
Foreign investment in SA property ever increasing
According to Anne Porter, chairman of Knight Frank Residential South Africa, almost 10-million foreign tourists visit South Africa annually, and many end up investing in our economy by buying property... read

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