Marketing & Media Africa

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Alliance Media, Zambia's leader in billboard and airport advertising
Alliance Media, Zambia's leader in billboard and airport advertising
Traffic density on Lusaka’s busy roads rivals that of all major African cities and a high OOH allocation is a definitive choice for all Zambian marketeers. Operating in Zambia for over 20 years, Alliance Media Zambia is known for their billboards that stand out above the cluttered local environment. With the country’s largest network of large format billboards, Alliance Media’s billboards speak to all required target markets. For more information about how Alliance Media grows brands in Zambia contact Catherine Mashoko at [[[[ or on +260 211 257 650. For a contact to assist with any of the other 22 African countries in which Alliance Media operates, contact the Africa desk at...
13 Sep 2019 13:04
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