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Grant Fraser
#BizTrends2018: Actionable intelligence driving fleet trends into 2018

Grant Fraser

Ten years ago, analysts predicted that technology would be the greatest catalyst for change in the fleet telematics space and it certainly has
Mercedes-Benz Citaro G hybrid buses ready for the road
Mercedes-Benz Citaro G hybrid buses ready for the road
The first new Citaro hybrid buses, which are gradually going into service, will be used to carry passengers on inner-city routes in
Supply chain glitches: one of the greatest risks
Supply chain glitches: one of the greatest risks
A glitch in a supply chain can cost an organisation up to 10% of its shareholder value, and even put the company out of business. Supply chain disruptions are therefore widely regarded as one of the greatest risks facing
NEWSWATCH: Delays continue for Metrorail commuters
NEWSWATCH: Delays continue for Metrorail commuters
Metrorail commuters travelling on the central train line along the Cape Flats will be affected by the closed line until Wednesday, 17 January
Andy Hedley, GM Southern Africa, Amadeus
#BizTrends2018: Airlines in the digital realm - putting data in the driving seat

Andy Hedley

Airlines have never had such access to the brains and feelings of their customers as they do today. By leveraging this data, airlines will be able to start experimenting with creative and fun new tools... read
#BizTrends2018: Upwardly mobile people want to live and work in eco-mobile cities
#BizTrends2018: Upwardly mobile people want to live and work in eco-mobile cities

Elaine Jack

"A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transport." These are the paraphrased words uttered by Enrique Penalosa, the former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia... read
Greg Cline
#BizTrends2018: The changing face of imports

Dr Greg Cline

Logistics and imports are undergoing significant changes amidst an increasing awareness on the importance of being cost conscious and needing to find ways to be more efficient... read
Angolan Airlines, SAA enter new partnership
Angolan Airlines, SAA enter new partnership
An agreement between the state-owned companies Angolan Airlines and South African Airlines, dubbed Codeshare, signed in the ambit of a commercial contract that is intended to provide better air transportation... read
Photo by Ashim D'Silva on Unsplash
French firm Groupe ADP wins JKIA terminal deal
French company, Paris Aeroport, formerly Aeroports de Paris or ADP, has won a contract with Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) for the design of a new passenger terminal at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi... read
Public Transport
Beyond the car: how tech firms are exploring the future of transport
Beyond the car: how tech firms are exploring the future of transport
Carless commuting is cruising in the fast lane at the Consumer Electronics Show, with companies showing off electric bicycles, scooters, skateboards and more aimed at making the internal combustion engine a thing of the past... read
Ore dump pollution whips up new storm
Ore dump pollution whips up new storm

Guy Rogers

Port Elizabeth Harbour tenants are fighting mad about a new wave of air pollution from Transnet's two manganese ore facilities which is damaging property and business opportunities. It is also a health threat... read
Driverless cars could be better or worse for our health - it's up to us
Driverless cars could be better or worse for our health - it's up to us

Jim Sallis

Driverless cars - autonomous vehicles - are coming. The topic is a constant presence in media; The New York Times Magazine recently devoted most of an issue to it... read
Canada issues new safety and pollution rules for shipping in Arctic waters
#Innovation all over : Large '#Tesla ships' all-electric #container barges are launching this autumn | #Electrek...
#TruckTuesday: 2017 Truck of the Year, all new Eurocargo from @IVECO comes to South Africa. The South African marke...
"New maps show travel times to urban centre reveal huge differences between countries. Using Open Street Map and Go...
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