4 Oct 2011

IT & Telecommunications


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Sindy Peters, Content development manager
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Editorial news

IT & Telecommunications

SA slips four places in IT Competitiveness Index
South Africa has fallen four places in the worldwide rankings in information technology, according to the Business Software Alliance, which released its 2011 edition of the Economist Intelligence Unit's IT Industry Competitiveness Index. Read more >>


Apple may be scorched by Fire
Kindle has launched its iPad challenger, a seven-inch tablet computer that sells for $199, less that half the cost of an iPad, comes with a full-colour screen and is able to play music, display videos, is a gaming console and has a 3G connection to surf the internet. Read more >>


Low-cost internet made available in remote areas
Low-cost satellite internet access to townships and rural areas will soon be available. This service will be known as Vox Tickybox. Read more >>


Nokia Siemens Networks launches Liquid Net
Nokia Siemens Networks recently launched Liquid Net, a new way to deliver broadband that allows an operator to set up its network to self-adapt to meet capacity and coverage requirements based on demand. The quality of broadband services worldwide is intended to improve significantly. Read more >>


Samsung adds three new apps to local apps store
Samsung has announced three new mobile applications to it's Samsung Apps Store: MXit Mobile chat, DStv Mobile Decoder and Pricecheck.co.za, which are all available on relevant Android Samsung devices. Read more >>


Norton Internet Security 2012 launched
Norton by Symantec has released Norton Internet Security 2012, and announced a new product, which aims to further its Norton Everywhere initiative to protect consumers across locations, platforms, devices and digital experiences. Read more >>

NFC to be included in most phones
The Near Field Communication payment technology is to be included in most new cellular phone models and this will have an impact on how people pay for the goods they purchase, according to Herman Singh, chief executive of the Standard Bank's Beyond Payments division. Read more >>

All industry news

Environmental Management

Park, the size of Sweden, to straddle five countries
A huge new transfrontier park that will stretch from Angola in the west to Zimbabwe in the east - and estimated to be 15 times larger than the Serengeti in Tanzania - is being planned for Africa. Read more >>

Human Resources & Recruitment

Workers get R500 000 windfall
Workers who have been with Kumba for five years or more will get a R500 000 bonus in December as part of a generous employee share option scheme that will see the company paying out more than R2,5-billion to its employees. Read more >>


Pick n Pay opens in Mauritius
Pick n Pay, late last week, announced the opening of latest addition to its expanding African footprint - its first Mauritian store in Bagatelle's Mall. The company will open a further two stores in Mauritius in the next year. Read more >>

Women's health

Women must 'invest in their health'
PRETORIA: With October being International Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is encouraging all women to invest in their health by learning how to detect various female cancers early. Read more >>

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New people on biz

Cisho Ndlovu
IT Facilitator at Universal College Outcomes
Andre Dorfling
Sales Manager
Ivan Epstein
CEO Softline and Sage AAMEA at Softline
Pumuzile Mguni
Computer Technician
Robert Matsaneng
Co-founder & Developer at Snapsa.mobi

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