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Worx Group Press Office
Worx Group is a leading live and virtual experiential agency that combines strategy with design, digital and production, to create effective brand experiences that engage audiences and ensure return on investment.
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Worx Group renews 3 year contract with Standard Bank
Worx Group, a full-service experiential marketing agency, is excited to announce the renewal of its three-year contract with Standard Bank 19 Jul 2024 Read more

Worx Group and Salesforce collaborate for a successful World Tour Essentials Johannesburg
In the world of event management and experiential marketing, time is a limited resource. A keen eye is needed to capture opportunities for exceptional outcomes. Salesforce, a leading provider of cloud-based software, hosts numerous events worldwide, each of which demands careful and thorough planning and flawless execution to meet the company's business objectives. 18 Jul 2024 Read more

Level 1 allowances and the opportunity of in-person events
Live or face-to-face event experiences are a reality again. 22 Oct 2021 Read more

Beware the charlatans, focus on your clients and team
It's old news now that the eventing industry got absolutely smashed by lockdowns. Our business was no exception. After reeling for weeks and dismissing it as 'just a short-term thing', we soon realised this wasn't a blip but a very real, long-term challenge. 23 Jun 2021 Read more

Rapid antigen testing and the return to in-person events
As the world starts to get a grip on the pandemic, even though we see a delayed roll out of vaccines in South Africa, we need to discuss the safety of in-person and hybrid events for both guests and the corporates that host them. 10 Jun 2021 Read more

Lockdowns shut many doors, but opportunity is now knocking
It began just over a year ago - it was chaotic and totally unexpected. It took us all a little bit of time to adapt, to overcome the initial shock and start to work a new path. At Worx Group, we quickly adjusted our in-person live events strategy to focus on digital and virtual offerings and along with some of our trusted technical partners - the journey into the new age of events began. 15 Apr 2021 Read more

Channelling big tech to inspire growth in 2021
I'm increasingly looking to big tech for inspiration for growth for my live and virtual agency. 14 Apr 2021 Read more

From in-person to digital: The Liberty case study
How do you seamlessly match the in-person experience for a large-scale audience who are now connecting through a screen? 11 Mar 2021 Read more

Pace and performance vs process and procedure
If you're heading up an agency, you have no doubt faced two distinct and reoccurring lived client experiences: Pace and performance vs process and procedure. 5 Mar 2021 Read more

"What did you do in 2020?"
Recently we had Jay Shetty - best-selling author of Think Like a Monk and social media mega-star - join us virtually from his Los Angeles home. How cool that we can do that today. The session was genuinely enlightening, but his closing remarks really stuck with me. 17 Dec 2020 Read more

Time for the next step in this virtual journey
Virtual events are no longer the 'new' normal - the time to adapt and shift into the virtual space has come and passed as the world has dealt with Covid-19 and all that it brought with it, delivering us into a time where virtual, or at least hybrid, is now our normal. It's a part of our lives as event organisers and marketers, and the passport to a whole new service offering for our clients. It's an exciting time! 29 Sep 2020 Read more

Worx Group launches Covid-19 'Pay it Forward' campaign
Worx Group, a Johannesburg-based marketing and events agency, believes that as much as 2020 will stand out because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it will be remembered equally for the incredible acts of human kindness and generosity that South Africans have shown through this difficult time. 26 May 2020 Read more

Worx Group reveals new website and social media branding
Johannesburg-based leading events and marketing agency Worx Group reveals new website and social media branding. The refurb was implemented to accurately position the events industry in the minds of clients for what it is, where it is and where it is going. This serves as a reflection of how Worx Group believes events and live experiences should be seen in today's hyperconnected and experience-focused marketing landscape. 2 Oct 2019 Read more

The creative dilemma: Pitching in a world that sets you up for failure
The pitching process: a delicate dance between client and agency. It has its steps, its moments of push and pull and, if you're lucky, it ends with a flourish. But both clients and agencies have responsibilities when it comes to pitching and, if these responsibilities aren't taken seriously, projects with the potential for success are instead destined to fail. By mismanaging the process and not having the right people in the right room at the right time, clients step on their partners' toes and run the risk of ruining the entire dance. 23 Aug 2019 Read more

10 things your event planner should know but probably doesn't
What do you expect of a high-quality event planner? Do you expect them to be a clear communicator? Yes, probably. Do you expect them to be able to reverse a delivery truck or manage the audiovisual equipment? No, probably not. There should be other experts for that. When it comes to selecting a professional event planner, knowing what skills and expertise to look out for is a sure way to sift the wheat from the chaff. While the chaff might be able to bartend, the wheat should be able to perform any or all of the following tasks. 2 Aug 2019 Read more

4 essential tips for a successful experiential campaign
Pulling off an experiential campaign, exhibition or activation that turns former strangers into brand ambassadors and boosts your bottom line takes just the right combination of experience, know-how and flair. 30 Jul 2019 Read more

Cybersecurity matters: Here's how to mitigate the risks
Hosting an event gives you access to a considerable amount of personal and financial information - your own and that of your partners, suppliers and delegates - and comes with just as much responsibility. 25 Jul 2019 Read more

Measuring event ROI: Impossible feat or simple process?
If you're responsible for your brand's marketing events and campaigns, you need to know more than how to pull them off without a hitch. 23 Jul 2019 Read more

Fatal flaws: Why experiential marketing campaigns fail
Experiential marketing: at Worx Group, we'll be the first to tell you that it deserves all the hype, and that if it's not part of your marketing strategy you're going to be left behind. 18 Jul 2019 Read more

Experiential marketing is surging: Are you keeping up?
In a world overrun by adverts, promotions and deals promoting every product, service and apparent necessity, it's become almost impossible to filter quality from quantity, value from junk. Our inboxes are flooded with weekly announcements, Google and Facebook exploit our recent searches for advertising purposes, and our phones buzz constantly with another marketer who's found access to our numbers. 16 Jul 2019 Read more

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Contact Worx Group

Tel: 011 646 3223
Email: az.oc.prgxrw@ofni

Physical Address
Comtec House
Suite 102
26 Gleneagles Road

Postal address
Suite 310
Private Bag X11

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S 26 05.575
E 27 59.119