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Michelle Olkers, managing partner ar Mazars, Cape Town
Doing business in Africa
Trade between African countries needs to happen faster and be more cost-effective, as opportunities grow and businesses mature... read
#AfricaMonth: Street art for empowerment, Q&A with Wisetwo
#AfricaMonth: Street art for empowerment, Q&A with Wisetwo

Ruth Cooper

World-renowned graffiti artist Wisetwo, known for his mystically and ritualistically inspired art, chats to us about being Kenyan with Indian roots, cultural influences and how street art can empower for Bizcommunity's #AfricaMonth. read
Marketing & Media
Redi's stepping off 702 drive and heading in a bold new direction
Redi's stepping off 702 drive and heading in a bold new direction

Issued by Primedia Broadcasting

702's Redi Tlhabi has announced her intention to take an exciting new direction in her journey, which means she needs to step off of her daily afternoon drive show on the talk station... read
Edcon shuts stores in bid to save sales
Edcon shuts stores in bid to save sales

Colleen Goko

Retail cannibalisation is becoming a significant feature in the domestic market and it is for this reason that Edcon is shutting down stores where it can... read
Hustling from builder to entrepreneur, one brick at a time
Hustling from builder to entrepreneur, one brick at a time

Shan Radcliffe

Founding director of Hustlenomics, Nhlanhla Ndlovu tells us how growing up in a small house with a backyard shack was the inspiration and foundation upon which his dreams for bigger and better things were built... read
Chatbots as part of an integrated customer service strategy
Chatbots as part of an integrated customer service strategy

Wynand Smit

You can have all your communication channels lined up and ready to go, your agents trained to help via phone, email, SMS, web chat and via social media, but you could be missing a trick... read
Logistics & Transport
Kenya unveils first new railway in a century
Kenya unveils first new railway in a century
More than a century after a colonial railway gave birth to modern Kenya, the country is betting on a new Chinese-built route to cement its position as the gateway to East Africa... read
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