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Drone technology in the maritime industry
Drone technology in the maritime industry
[Anisa Govender] Two years ago, Amazon promised that it would one day deliver packages by unmanned aerial devices, also known as drones... read
Marketing & Media
Beyonce's preggy picture is now Instagram's most-liked snap ever

Andy Walker

We've only recently said goodbye to the first month of 2017, and already Instagram has a new record-breaking image. The post in question comes from none other than Queen B herself, Beyonce... read
Why generics are money savers
Why generics are money savers
A lack of understanding about generics costs consumers and medical aids millions of rands each year... read
H&M targets expansion in SA
H&M targets expansion in SA

Colleen Goko

While Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) may have delivered an impressive full-year performance in SA amid a constrained consumer environment... read
Ford sales stable despite challenging start to 2017
Ford sales stable despite challenging start to 2017
Despite Ford's recent vehicle safety recall, sales were up 1.7% on the corresponding month last year, with a total of 6,634 vehicles sold in January 2017... read
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