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Johanna McDowell
#BizTrends2017: Key advertising industry trends for 2017
[Johanna McDowell] Will brands be the next producers of great and long-form content in the industry? Johanna McDowell, chief executive of IAS believes they will... read
L'Ormarins Queens Plate: fashion report
L'Ormarins Queens Plate: fashion report

Meagan Duckitt

On Saturday 7 January L'Ormarins hosted their annual horse racing event at the Kenilworth racecourse. read
CSI & Sustainability
How waste can stimulate South Africa's economy
How waste can stimulate South Africa's economy
A new study undertaken by the Energy Research Centre of UCT in November 2016 investigates the economic impact of the introduction of resources back into the economy through waste stream management... read
Blockchain - beyond financial services
Blockchain - beyond financial services

Mary Ann Francis and Gilles Gravier

Distributed ledger technology has, so far, been largely discussed only in the context of the financial services industry, specifically in the area of payments... read
Youth enterprise development programme open for entry
Youth enterprise development programme open for entry
Mastercard invites women entrepreneurs to enter the Junior Achievement South Africa Youth Enterprise Development Programme... read
Car makers and state head for dispute on proposed new fuel regulations
Car makers and state head for dispute on proposed new fuel regulations

Jan-Jan Joubert

Government and car makers are heading for a showdown on proposed fuel regulations that could make cars and fuel more expensive... read
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